Returning What Was Stolen

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~For clarification, any pictures I use are in no way mine!  My artistic ability stops after writing.  I like to google a few things and give a visual to something I have in mind.  The kimono being what Sinclaire is given~ 

The pair started to Delphora at a brisk walk, but thanks to Sinclaire's competitive trait it didn't last long. Sinclaire would side-eye her companion, then take larger steps. Laxus would notice and do the same. Again the female would take larger steps, Laxus doing the same. With a sly smile, Sinclaire darts forward in hopes of blind sighting Laxus, who figured she would do just that and rushed forward a second after her.

Sinclaire pushed herself, just barely stepping past the treeline before Laxus. Falling back, Sinclaire lets out a bellow of a laugh as she sits on the ground. Looking up at Laxus, she gives what he considers her signature smile, her sharp fangs gleaming in the afternoon sun.

"Beeeeaaaat you."

Laxus rolls his eyes, "You're welcome."

She scowls, jumping to her feet and pouting. "You saying you let me win?"

Laxus continues towards the town, Delphina's bell tower in sight. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

Sinclaire stomps, pointing at the retreating man's form. "Come here and say it to my face!" Knowing it'll rile the woman up more, he speeds up. Sinclaire grabs at her hair in frustration, "ASS!!"

By the time they reached the town, Sinclaire returned to her usual behavior when around a lot of people. She was two steps away from Laxus, shoulders tense as her eyes drank in every detail around her. Locating the mayor's office, the portly man was over the moon at finding out that they had taken care of the bandits.

The mayor leads us to what could be called the general store. "Anything that isn't inventory for here will be taken to their proper location, so just bring it here! How long will it take to bring them out here?"

"No time at all, Sinclaire?"

Said girl stepped forward, activating the spell. Laxus took quick work to pull out the two carts. The moment he steps out with the second cart, Sinclaire drops to the ground unconscious.

Laxus is quick to rush over, picking her up. "Is she okay?" The mayor yells, frantically running around him.

Laxus can feel his irritation grow, "Yeah, she just used up more magic than usual."

"Oh let me take you to the inn!! Housing and food are all free of course! If you drop her off and return to my office, I'll happily reward you!"

That's just what Laxus did. Not knowing how long she would be out, and knowing waking with him not there would scare her, he rushed to get the reward and dinner for them. When he returned she was still in bed, though instead of being on her back with the blanket to her ribs as he had put her, she was in a blanket cocoon on her left side. Setting her food down on the nightstand, Laxus retreats to the bathroom to shower.

Sinclaire woke up groggy, eyes fogged over as she took in the room around her. Realizing she's alone, she jerks up. "Laxus?" Recognizing the sound of the shower running, she lets her body relax. Noticing the bag beside her bed, she smiles at the aroma. Pulling the bowl out of the bag her smile grows as she removes the cover. Alfredo pasta, something she learned quickly that she loved. Not bothering to get out of bed, Sinclaire sits cross-legged and begins to eat. Halfway into her food, she hears the water stop, and a few minutes later Laxus emerges from the bathroom.

"Feeling better?" Sinclaire nods her head, stuffing another bite of food in her mouth. Laxus stretches out on his bed, turning to face her. "You shouldn't push yourself that hard. They could have waited till tomorrow to receive the carts."

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