Let's Get Through This Together

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 "So why are we in such a rush?" Sinclaire asked. After eating, Laxus made it clear they needed to get to a communications lacrima. He then had to explain what a lacrima was, since the female dragon slayer spent countless years as an unwilling hermit.

"I tied that Roalden creep to the bathroom sink, but who knows when he'll wake up and attempt to escape. I want him dealt with as soon as possible."

Sinclaire looks down, tugging Laxus' coat better around her small frame. "What if..."

"I won't let him get you." The mage turns his head away from the woman, surprised again by the things he's said to her. Sinclaire herself stared up at him in awe.

"Thank you Laxus, I mean it."

Said man clears his throat, deciding to change the subject to something he's been wondering. "So how does your magic work?"

Sinclaire was happy to answer, more emotion in her voice than Laxus has heard since they first met. "Well, Xyntheran taught me only a few spells. It's complicated magic, really hard to get a handle of it." Laxus smiled, happy to see Sinclaire with a literal bounce in her step. "I can pause time, but it makes me sleepy when I do it. The longer I have time paused, the more of my magic that's drained. Before..." Her shoulders dropped, the bounce in her step left, and her tone changed to one of indifference. "Before my world changed, I was able to pause time for 6 minutes before fainting. I'm sure it's much less now." After a pause, she looks up to Laxus, "What's gonna happen to me?"

Laxus kept his eyes ahead of them as he thought. His original plan was to drop her with the magic council, but knowing now that she's an adult and not a child did complicate things. He knew the magic council would help, but a new idea popped in his head. "You should join the guild Fairy Tail."

Sinclaire's head turned similar to a confused puppy, "What's a guild?"

"It's a place mages can join to get jobs. Fairy tail is run by my gramps, the place is known for taking in people who have nowhere to go."

"Is that the guild you're with Laxus?"

The lightning dragon slayer frowned. "I'm not affiliated with any guild. I'm..." Laxus wondered how to word it, "I'm not particularly welcome at Fairy Tail anyways. I can drop you off at the edge of Magnolia, finding the guild is easy."

Sinclaire frowned in a way similar to Laxus, "Why aren't you welcome?"

Not wanting to get into that conversation, he kept his answer short. "I'm known as a mean person there, drop it Sin."

Said woman stopped, her body posed in what could be considered a stubborn child pouting. "Mean?! You didn't have to save me, but you did! You could've left me to be the town's problem once you saved me, but I'm still here! You're not mean at all!! I don't wanna be part of something that thinks that way of you!!"

Laxus composed himself, a smirk forming as he ruffled the woman's hair. "Then I guess you'll have to tag along until we find a good place for you to fit in."

Sinclaire watched in childlike awe as Laxus used the comm lacrima. After explaining the situation, the council member gave an order for them to stay in the town they were in. They wanted to get Sinclaire's side of the story, along with chastising Laxus for doing jobs while not affiliated with a guild. It was technically illegal to do it, but they considered him more of a vigilante than a criminal. They had about 2 hours until they showed up, so after getting a small lunch, Laxus brought them to the field on the outskirts of town.

"c-come at you?!" Sinclaire stared in horror at the man.

"No offense, but I highly doubt you'll hurt me. If you wanna stick around, I need to know you can defend yourself."

The Ethereal Dragon Slayer{Laxus Dreyar Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now