Chapter 7 - News

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Ellies pov

I scrunched my face up as the doctor applied some kind of liquid to my cut on my head. It stung as it seaped into the cut. But i soon forgot about the pain as Dave Denton walked into the room. I looked up. 'Any news?' I asked. We were now in the same hospital as Owen as we were allowed in because he had asked for us and David had gone to see how he was doing when i got my injury seen to. He looked at the doctor who then stood and walked away. Dave sat down next to me and squeezed my hand. His girlfriend sat on the other side of me. 'He's still with us,' he paused,'but they dont know whats wrong with him because his bp and organs and all are fine... but they say unless they find out whats wrong soon, he wont make it.' The room fell silent. I looked at his partner who was looking at the floor. I looked back at Dave and i saw his eyes filling up. I took my hand away from his and burried my head in my hands. The tears began to flow until the tips of my sleeves were soaking wet. My hands were pulled away from my face and i looked up to see Andy, Owens dad. 'I'm going to see Owen now,' he paused,'would you like to come too? He'd like that. We dont have to be there long.' I nodded slowly and stood up.

I was shocked when i saw Owen lying still in his hospital bed, various tubes were comeing from his face and chest and they joined onto different machines. The room was filled with the sound of different pitched beeping noises, presumably from all the different machines. My legs felt weak so i managed to sit down in a chair next to Owen. I looked at his face. His eyes were closed and hit skin was pale. His breathing was laboured and it sometimes seemed to take an age before he inhaled another breath of air. Andy and I stayed beside Owen for prehaps around 15 minutes before we were told by a nurse that we should leave. I took hold of Owens hand, 'We're going now but we'll be back soon.' I leant over and planted a kiss on his forehead and turned to walk away. As i did so one of the machines started to beep very fast and the nurses began to shout for doctors. As we left the room and the door was shut, I looked around one more time through the window to see Owen shaking violently on the bed but my view was soon blocked by a number of nurses and doctors circleing the bed. I didnt move. I was stuck to the spot as i watched nurses handing the doctor different operational equiptment. I felt hands rest on my shoulders. Andy slowly but firmly turned me around and made me walk back to the room where David Denton was.

Hours past as we sat there waiting for news. None of us talked or looked at each other. A number of times nurses came in to take people out of the room and inform them about their loved ones, but none came for us. Not until the very end of the day, just before the hospital was to close for the visiting hours. A nurse stepped through the door. Her face held no emotions. 'Family and friends of Mr Owen Farrell?' We stood up all at the same time. She looked at us individually, maybe trying to prepare us for news, but i for one could not make out any of the messages that her eyes held. ' Follow me please.' And with that she turned and walked briskly in the direction of Owens room. We did as we were told and soon found ourselves outside the closed door where I had last seen Owen. I tried to look through the window but i couldnt see. The blinds were shut.

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