Chapter 6 - Rescue

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Ellie pov

I was woken by loud banging sounds from outside our 'prison' which we had been in for three days now. I opened my eyes to see the wall at the oposite end of the room vibrating and dust began to fill the room. I covered my nose and mouth with my arm and woke Owen up. He smiled weakly at me and rested his head on my shoulder. His health has been going down hill since yesterday morning, and it isnt looking good. His eyes have gone all puffy and he can hardly speak because his throat is so swollen. I smiled back at him but i couldnt help but feel saddened by how ill he looked. I covered his mouth and nose with my free arm so he would not choke on the dust.

Owen pov

I opened my eyes to see Ellie looking at me. I could only see her slightly because my vision is turning cloudy. My eyelids feel so heavy and my throat feels like it is closing in on itself. I lift my head slightly to see that finally, hopefully, rescuers have found us and they are breaking through the wall to get us out. I rest my head on her shoulder. I have never felt so ill in my life. I dont understand how i can be fine one minute but the next i feel like i could be dying. I need to get check out as soon as possible because i feel as if im fading slowly.

Ellie pov

The wall collapsed and sent a big dust cloud over us and the others. A shadow flowed along with the dust and as it cleared i could see it was a fireman. He looked at Faz and shouted a frantic message to people outside. Paramedics rushed through the hole in the wall and knelt beside me and Faz. They began to ask me loads of questions about how long he had been ill like this and if i knew if he had any medical needs. I answered all that i could and he was then lifted and put on a strecher. A whole team of paramedics surrounded him until i couldnt see him any more. They kept talking to him but he wasnt responding. He suddenly began to wheeze and make weird coughing sounds.

Owen pov

I felt people grab at me and lift me up. I was dragged away from Ellie but i was subdued to the power and i couldnt do anything about it. I was put down on a hard surface and i soon felt straps being secured over my body. 'Ok Owen,' a far away voice said,'I'm Ethan and im a paramedic, are you aware of where you are Owen?' I couldnt reply. I tried to speak but all that came out was a jumble of different noises. 'Owen,' i heard a familular voice,'owen, if you can hear me try and relax,' I felt a hand on my shoulder.'They are going to take you to a hospital so you can get better, ok?' The voice started to wobble and i knew they were holding back tears.'I'll see you soon.' I felt the soft touch of Ellie's lips on my cheek and then i was lifted up and carried a few meters before I was placed down and heard doors closing. I presume i am in an ambulance.

Ellie pov

I sit back down with my head in my hands. I seriously hope he will be ok, i think to myself. I've only known him for a few days but he has become such a big part of my life, i dont know what i would do with out him. I felt an arm around my shoulder. 'Positive thoughts, positive thoughts.' I look up to see, through my tears, David Denton. I rest my head on his shoulder. ' I dont know what to do without him, Dave.' He began to sway slightly from side to side. This conforted me slightly as it reminded me of being with Owen.'He'll be fine, you'll see. Once we've all had our check outs im sure we will have news on Owen and im sure it'll be positive.' 'I hope so,' I replied. We stood up together and followed the rest of the players and fans out of the changing rooms. We were met by a group of people who offered us water and they hurried us towards a tent were doctors were waiting. They checked us slightly and if people were injured they were sent over to the waiting ambulances and taken away but if we had no visible injuries, like Denton and myself, we were taken to an area were we could sit down. We sat next to eachother and we were given blankets to keep ourselves warm. I soon fell asleep with Owen on my mind.

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