Chapter 3 - Brilliant Start

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Ellies pov

Anthem time. Yay. I stood up and sung 'God Save the Queen' as loud as i could and as i looked up onto the big screen i saw Owen and i smiled. He knows i am really. Wow that sounds good i thought to myself. After the Flower of Scotland was sung Scotlands fly half, Laidlaw, kicked of the match. The ball landed in Danny Care of Englands hands and he was quick to set off and attack and within minutes England had worked their way down to Scotlands try line and Tom Youngs crossed for the try. Owen stepped up to take the conversion and i screamed and jumped up and down as the ball sailed between the posts.

*34 minutes into the first half*

Wow the first few minutes we were brilliant but now both teams are making so many mistakes that the whole game is being played in the centre of the pitch and not moving anywhere..

Whats that screaching noise? I looked around and saw that i wasnt the only one to have heard it. People began to scream as the stadium began to shake. Whats happening? I tried to ask people but they just kept shouting. My ears began to go num to the sound and my eyes began to water.

Owens pov

Gosh whats happening! Where's that girl, i cant see her?! I dont think she came here with anyone, shes all on her own. Where is she?! Scanning the front seats he saw the girl sitting on a seat with her head in her hands. Oh gosh i cant just leave her. Ill go and get her.

Running over to her he grabs her and as he does so the sound stops for a moment and then it is followed by a huge explosion and him and the girl are blown out of the stands on to the pitch.

Ellies pov

I cant see. All i can hear are people screaming. My legs arent working. I want to run but i cant stand up. 'Help! Help!' I feel someone grab my hand and drag me to my feet. The person said one simple word. 'Run'

Owens pov

I dragged her onto her feet. Her face was covered in blood from where an object had hit her in the face. I didnt care. 'Run.' Im glad she trusted me even tho im unsure whether she knew who i was or not. I ran as fast as she would let me go. There was more mini explosions as we ran to the tunnell that led into the changing rooms. Hopefully, i thought, as the changing rooms are underground we'll be save there. As we ran through the tunnell the entrance collapsed behind us. I lead her to the english changing rooms were a number of the England and Scotland team were gathered. I signaled for someone to get something to clear up her head wound. Thankfully my bud Geoff Parling had some bandages and water to wash away the blood.

Ellies pov

I was told to sit down and i did as i was told. I didnt know where i was but i couldnt here people screaming so i must be in a better place than i was a few minutes ago. I sat still and allowed who ever it was to clean my face and patch it up and soon i could be where i was and, more importantly, who was responsible for helping me. Owen Farrell.

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