Chapter 8

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Ellie pov

The nurse opened the door and let us in. Owen lay lifeless on the bed. The room was silent. There was no beeping from the many machines that filled the room. His eyes were shut. I stood frozen to the spot. The nurse looked at us and spoke only two words. 'I'm sorry.' She left. Owen was dead. My eyes began to feel with tears. Andy walked out of the room, head in hands. David walked up to Owen and knelt down beside the bed, his head buried into the sheets. I walked up to the bed and looked at the body lying still. He looks so peaceful I though to myself, but how did this happen? He was so young and had his whole life ahead of him. I reached out and rested my hand on his forehead. It was too much. I leant over, rested my head on his shoulder, and began to cry my eyes out. David stood up and left. I was alone. I took one last look at Owen before turning to exit. As I was moving my hand away from his body, his hand shot up and grabbed my wrist. I pulled away shocked and I screamed. Falling to the floor I curled up like a hedgehog because I was too scared to move. Hurried footsteps followed and I was helped on to my feet by a nurse. He looked at me puzzled and I told him what had happened. He slowly took a few steps towards Owen and reached to his neck to check for a pulse. The nurse immediately turned around and ran out of the room, and a few seconds later a whole team of doctors and nurses rushed into the room. 'What's going on?' I looked for an answer but non followed. The nurse grabbed me as moved me to outside of the room. 'Just doing a few checks darling, go and sit in the waiting room and we'll call you when we find something.' I was confused and had so many questions to ask but I nodded and walked out to the waiting room where Andy and David were sitting.

'Ready to leave?' Andy asked as he saw me enter the room.

'No. They asked for us to wait here as they are doing checks.' I told them what had happened and I saw a glimmer of hope in their eyes. The nurse entered the room.

'The testing has taken longer than we first thought so we have got you rooms to stay in until we are finished.' He handed us keys and pointed us in the direction of the place where relatives can stay.

'Wait!' We turned around to see a doctor hurrying after us. 'Come this way.' We turned and followed the woman to a room. She opened the door and led us in. She smiled and pointed to a bed where a man was sitting. All three of us smiled.

'OWEN,' we all said at the same time and ran to his bed side.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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