18 - The Escape Job Part 1

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"Let me go!" she snapped.

"No, we can't do that just yet," another voice said. Sang paused and turned to take in a very intimidating man standing at the back of the living room. He had dark hair and olive skin but his eyes were as cold as ice as they stared at her.

"Why not?" she asked some of her confidence fading away.

"You seem to have an unhealthy connection to your captors," he stated as if it were fact. Sang's mouth dropped open.

"They did not kidnap me!" she practically screeched at them.

"Doesn't matter," he said dismissively as if she were a child telling him she saw a dragon in the sky. "They are guilty of plenty of other crimes."
"Where are they?" she asked dread filling her. The mystery man looked at Raven who finally released her and set her on her own two feet. The world wobbled a little but it was manageable. She had had worse.

"At a suitable prison for criminals of their caliber." The entire world felt like it was collapsing around her. She felt tears track down her cheeks, but she couldn't do anything to stop them.

"Don't cry, little bird," Raven told her. "We will return you home."

"What?!" She whipped around to look at him. "No, I won't go back there."

"Look," the other man started moving toward her. "You can either tell us where your parents are or Corey will eventually track them down." She couldn't help the smug look that came over her. The feeling helped to stop the tears. The man noticed and sneered. "We know you're a ghost but the team isn't. We can track them to find where they kidnapped you. But it would a lot easier for everyone if you just told us."

"Bastard," she stated her voice a deadly calm. Her heart felt like it was breaking, her world was shattering, and a numb acceptance was beginning to flow through her veins. She would not go back to that house. She would rather die.

"Maybe," he chuckled darkly. "But this is an untraceable safe house in the middle of nowhere. No one else is within miles of this place, so don't try anything stupid." With that he turned and left the room. Sang felt herself breaking piece by piece. She turned to the large Russian that she thought was a friend.

"Bathroom?" she asked her voice cracking. He silently pointed a door off to the side of the living room. She made her way to it. The door was barely closed and locked before she collapsed. Sobs wracked her body. Her family was gone, her safe haven was gone, and she was on a one way trip back to hell. She should have known it was all too good to be true. The words she had pushed back starting shoving their way forward, and this time her family wasn't there to help fight them back. A whore like her didn't deserve a family anyway.


Nate Ford had never worked directly with the academy but on a couple of his old insurance cases there would be mysterious good citizens or cops that had very useful tips. It didn't take him long to hear whispers of the organization. They worked with the law and sometimes going against it to get the bad guy or save the day. Not unlike what he was doing with his team.

He looked around his cell and thought that they must not agree with that sentiment. The fact that most of the team were career criminals probably didn't help. The security was good, he would give them that, but they were underestimating his team. He had tried to talk to them but no one really wanted to listen. They had already made their assumptions and were sticking by them. He was worried for Sang if she was also in here. They had to make sure to find her first.

The Ghostbird JobOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora