23 - The Mile High Job Part 3

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Sophie's words echoed in Sang's head. Her entire team, her family were thousands of feet above the ground. Hadleman couldn't be that crazy, could he? He wouldn't bring down an entire place of innocents just to kill two people. He couldn't be that evil. Sophie echoed her sentiments.

"Billions of dollar, decades of jail time," Nate retorted. Sang could hear Elliot using his Marshal badge to clear the area.

"Look, if you're right about this we've got to get this plane on the ground right now. We have to tell the pilot," Sophie said. Sang could hear the panic in her voice.

"No, not now. We have to understand what we're dealing with here. How would you get a bomb on the plane?" Sang could barely hear them as they theorized where the bomb could be that would send them plummeting to their deaths. She was barely aware as her breaths began to pick up and her chest began to tighten.

"Sang!" Brandon exclaimed moving around the table immediately. Gently, he placed his hands on her shoulders making her focus on him. "It'll be okay. We can help." He repeated reassurances until finally breathing became easier. She nodded to him silently thanking him for bringing her out of her panic attack.

Parker was headed to the cargo hold to search for the bomb. The luggage of either Genogrow employee was the first place to look. Elliot and Nate went to talk to Erlick, but couldn't seem to wake him up.

"When I knock people out, they tend to stay that way," Elliot remarked making Sang snort even with the situation. Brandon typed away on his phone, but Sang didn't give it much thought. She was blocking out everything but her team now. She didn't know how she could help them, but the moment they needed her for something she would be ready.

"There's nothing in either bag," Parker informed the team.

"Are you sure?" Sophie asked. "Marissa's is red with white flowers."

"I'm looking right at it. There's nothing in it. Same as Erlick's."

"Hey, Parker," Hardison's voice came over the comms. "You got your phone on you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Okay, now is there anything that looks like a computer interface hooked up to the plane's electrical system?" Bells chimed from the door to the shop, but Sang was wholly focused on her team

"Yeah, I think so," Parker answered. Hardison walked her through how to hook it up while the rest of the team waited. Sang didn't know what he was getting at. Once she had it hooked up right, Hardison went quiet.

"What are you doing?" Parker finally asked voicing the question all of them had.

"Oh, I'm just remote accessing a plane's electrical system from 3,000 miles away," Hardison replied. "You know what, if you were a geek, you would be really turned on right now I'm just saying...wait, what?" Silence descended again after he cut off.

"Brandon what's up?" The voice so close to her and not from the comms made Sang jump. She whipped her head up and saw double. Corey stood beside the table looking between her and Brandon questioningly. Raven stood behind him. His eyes were guarded as they looked her over. "You said there was an emergency?"

"Okay, I'm reading an electrical spike," Hardison announced.

"What does that mean?" Sang asked feeling her panic start to take over again.

"What does what mean?" Corey asked confused. Brandon ignored him and grasped her hand. She squeezed it taking the comfort he was offering. "What is going on?"

"Parker, do you see anything around that could be interfering with the signal?"

"There's something," Parker told him. "Looks like it's tapping into one of the conduits." Sang took a breath and turned to the new arrivals.

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