25 - The Bank Shot Job Part 2

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"What the hell are you doing? Get back down on the ground." The shouted words made Sang look up. Judge Roy was standing, hands up. He stepped forward toward the older robber.

"You know who I am?" Roy asked. Sang wanted to roll her eyes, but she kept her face neutral. She did share a look with Sophie though.

"I don't care," the robber replied.

"You should. See, I'm the guy that can make this whole thing go away. All you've got to do is walk out the front door."

"Is that so?" He asked obviously not buying it. Sang thought he was smart not to trust Roy.

"Thing is, I'm the law in this town. That fella out there with the badge, that's Bill. He works for me. One phone call and he and his guys hop back in the car and drive away, no questions asked. Let me talk to you for a minute, son." Judge Roy took another step forward.

"Stay where you are," the older man commanded pointing his gun directly at Roy.

"How are you two doing?" Nate whispered through their comms.

"I'm fine," Sang mumbled back.

"I'm just peachy. How about you?" Sophie asked.

"Something weird is going on in here."

"You noticed that too, huh?" Sophie replied. Sang had noticed a few weird things, but this was her first bank robbery.

"Did you hear what that guy said? They didn't have enough. They need more cash, and it's not to pay rent," Nate said.

"I don't care what it's for. Let's just focus on getting out of here," Sophie retorted.

"We help these guys get what they want, then we can get everybody out of here safely without anyone getting hurt. I mean, I don't know about you, but I'm not going to leave my fate in the hands of the Juan Volunteer S.W.A.T. team."

"So what's the plan?" Sang asked hoping she would be able to help in some way. Before he could answer, raised voices in front of them drew their attention.

"The truth, the truth is what I say. Whatever story I make up about what happened in here, these little people will tell the cops. So yeah, son, that's how it works in this town. All that you got to do, is walk out the front door. It's that easy," Judge Roy explained.

"Thanks, boss," the man mocked. "But I've been around long enough to know that things that sound easy hardly ever are. Now sit your ass back down!" He motioned sharply with the gun. Judge Roy finally started to retreat.

"We cannot allow the local Leo's to handle the situation. We have to get charge of it. We have to be the police," Nate stated cutting off when Judge Roy laid back down beside him. "Well, how did that go for you there, Judge?"

Elliot was situated across the street from the bank surveying the scene outside. It was obvious the local police had never dealt with something like this before. He leaned against the brick building. A black sedan pulled up on the street in front of him. Hardison and Parker exit wearing FBI jackets.

"Nice ride," Elliot stated walking over to them. Parker pulls out a notebook and removes two badges from it. Handing one to Hardison before putting the other around her neck.

"It's embarrassing. Everyone knows you don't rob a bank without an exit strategy. These two deserve to get caught. 42 seconds." She tossed the notebook back into the car before turning around.

"What?" Hardison asked.

"To rob this back," Parker explained. "One security guard who has never fired his gun before, two closed circuit cameras outside one inside, and a glen reader safe built in the 50's whose default combination is the birth date of the manager's wife! Get in, get out, 42 seconds." Hardison looked amazed but quickly masked it as they approached the local officers.

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