The Beginning

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7 months later.

It was dark, with the exception of the faint glow around the window curtains. I took a deep breath before turning away from the light.

Buzz, buzz.

I groaned, my hand breaching the cold air as I fumbled blindly for my phone. I reered back as the screen lit up at full brightness.

Somehow my thumb found the accept call button before hiding my face underneath the blankets.

"(Y/N), are you still in bed?"

". . . no."

"Don't lie to me."

I stayed silent.

Max sighed. "(Y/N), you need to get up and do some homework. You got a game later. You need the sunshine."

I knew he was right, but I couldn't find the motivation to leave my comfy, warm bed.

"Get out of bed. It's only the second week of school and you're already behind." I could hear the disappointment in his voice. "You're gonna get kicked off Varsity."

"I didn't sleep last night."

Max took a deep breath. His sympathy lined his tone. "Just take it easy, okay? I'll get off work a little early."

"Don't. I can handle myself."

There was a pause. "Okay (Y/N). I'll see you later. I love you."

"Love you too." I mumbled, ending the call.

I rolled over again, pulling the comforter above my head. Why can't I ever get a good night's sleep?

I'm not sure how much time passed before I dragged myself out of the bed, glancing at the mirror on my closet door. My hair was an absolute terror.

God, I'm so grateful I don't have school on Fridays.

After cleaning up a tiny bit, I moved into the kitchen to find a note from my mom.

Good morning sweetheart. I made some breakfast for you, in the microwave. I'll see you later at your game tonight!
I love you,

My mom is so caring and loving and strong. She's provided for Max and I, even after our father walked out when I was young. Sometimes, she'd work two or three jobs. She always wanted us to go to college, get a degree, then have a well-paying job. Max went to community college for two years before entering the police academy. Now, he works as a police officer. And they're both saving up money for me to go to a 4-year university because they see me as the most successful. Here I am, a senior in high school, attending community college. I'll already have two Associate degrees by the end of the school year.

I'm totally gonna pay them back one day when I'm much older, so I have to work my hardest now.

I found eggs and bacon in the microwave. I heated them up, plopped down in front of the TV, played some Friends, then ate breakfast (or lunch? It was 12:21).

As I cleaned the dishes, The doorbell rang. That's weird. Who sells things door to door when everybody is supposed to be at work?

Slowly creeping to the door, I peeked out the window. I caught glimpse of a man in a green outfit. Interesting.

I took my leap of faith and finally opened the door. My eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"Hi, my name's Izuku Midoriya, and I'm k-kinda lost. . ." He said in English. "I-I need some help."

First glance, I thought he was targeting my interests to kidnap me or something. He looked like how Midoriya would look if he was real, better than any cosplayer I've ever seen. His costume was slightly different in design, and he seemed taller and older. Streaks of blood and dirt covered him from head to toe. I caught sight of a large gash on his temple.

"Aren't you just a cosplayer? What the hell are you doing here?"

"N-No! I was in a fight and then the n-next thing I knew I just. . . appeared on the street in front of this house!" He stuttered. He seemed to sway on his feet.

"You know, with those injuries, you should call emergency services."

"N-No, I can't."

"Why the fuck not then? You're freaking me out."

"I-I'm so sorry!" He became more flustered at my increasingly intense comments. "I-I don't think I'm in t-the right world, and I don't think the p-police have anything good for me. Please. I just need to go back home."

He looked like he was about to cry.

Wow, this guy is really taking his role seriously.

"Where's home? How you gonna get back there, huh?"

"I don't know. . . I just need help. Please ma'am. I won't stay for long, I just need to deal with my injuries."

I glared at him. "Show me your arm. The right one."

He blinked at me in confusion before pulling his brace off and his sleeve up. And there on his upper arm was the nasty scar he got from training camp. Not to mention, his hand also held the scars he received in the Sports Festival when he was saving Todoroki.

"How do I know those aren't fake?"

"T-T-They aren't fake!"

I sighed, exasperated. "If you're really who you say you are, then show me your quirk."

His voice dropped an octave. "What?"

"I know who the fuck you are, Midoriya. But I need you to prove it because I'm not about to get raped and robbed today, sir."

He blushed at my blatant words. "I-I promise, I-I don't want to hurt you in any way! But. . . you know who I am?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course. My Hero Academia is the most popular anime at the moment. That's why I'm confused as to why a fictional character from an animated cartoon just happens to 'appear' on my front porch. So fucking show me One For All."

His emerald eyes lowered to the ground as he fiddled his fingers. After a long moment, I groaned in frustration, about to slam the door on this idiot's face when I felt the air around him change.

Green lightning sparked from him as he began to glow in energy. His eyes met mine as I stared in complete disbelief and awe.

"This prove it?"

Speechless, I only stared. Midoriya powered his quirk down.

This was fucking Izuku Midoriya, the fucking fictional character, and he just happened to show up on my front porch.

Word count: 1070

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