Love The Dark

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Here drink.” She holds my water bowl to my mouth her hand helping me sit up some. I don’t disobey and drink, it’s more water than she usually gives me, so I savor it.
“There are some of those red fruits on the table. You can eat those until I can find something else.” I finish the water and look up at her with a smile. I reach out and lightly grab hold of her arm.
“Can you help me? Please?” I hear her click her tongue in disapproval. (No! That’s not what I want. Don’t be mad at me please.) I start to panic inside of my head and release her arm as I try to stand by myself. I manage to get to my feet using whatever it was I was laying on as support, and even take a step. However, my second step failed, my knee buckled from the lack of use and I went crashing to the floor. (No, I must do this. I must make her proud of me.) I think as I try to crawl to the table like set up. Her laughs catches me off guard and I can feel her looming over me.
“Glad to see you’ve still got some fight in you.” I feel her hand on my back before the floor under my hands disappears and is replaced by her broad chest. She carries me to the table and sets me down in front of the strawberries. She sits next to me and picks one of them up and holds it out for me.
“This is the last time I feed you human, after this I expect you to do it yourself.” I nod and open my mouth for the food. It’s sweet again just as good as the last one. I take it slow; my stomach is telling me to shovel it all in, but my brain is telling me to pace myself. She gives me more water as I do my best to finish the whole plate without choking or getting sick.
“How’re you feeling now?” She asks as I finish the last berry. My vision has cleared up some, enough to make out her face a lot better. My whole body still hurts, and I doubt I’ll be able to walk, but I’ll take it.
“I can see you more now and talking feels easier. Thank you. Um… can I ask something?” She grunts in response as she cleans up the small mess I made.
“Is this place why you were gone for so long?” She nodded causing me to sigh in relief and she looked at me confused.
“I thought I did something to upset you. I thought you abandoned me.” She grabbed my face forcing me to look up at her.
“So long as you have that.” She pointed at my stomach and I knew she was talking about my gem.
“I’m not going to leave you behind, and I’m not going to let you die.” I gulped at the determined and possessive look in her eyes.

Dark LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang