The Darkest Love

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“Jasper.” My voice no longer sounds like mine, it’s raspy and horsed. It hurts to try and speak but I need to try one more time to reason with her. If I don’t eat soon, I know I won’t wake up from my next fit filled sleep.
“What now runt?” She asks in the same annoyed tone she had used every time I have tried to talk or reason with her over the last few weeks.
“Humans need food to live. If your plan is to kill me then just get it over with. If not, then please I’m begging you.” Jasper chuckled and it sent chills up my spine and another wave of pain through my stomach. She kneels and unlocks the cage, how I wish I had the strength to run but at this pint I don’t even have enough to summon my shield.
“Come here if you want food.” I manage to look up at her, but my vision is so blurry all I can see is red lumps in her hand. Strawberries maybe? I manage to flip myself over onto my stomach and I let out a gasp from the pain. I can hear her laugh at me as I desperately start to pull myself towards her. I feel a hand grasp the back of my worn-out jaket and lift me. She tries to stand me on my knees, but I can’t hold myself up for more than a few seconds. She sighs out of frustration and leans me against her inner thigh her hand never releasing my shirt. I can’t help but to cling onto her leg to try and soak up the heat radiating off her.
“Hey, do you want to eat or cling to my leg?” There’s annoyance in her voice so I quickly respond by turning to look at the less blurry strawberries she’s holding in her other hand that wasn’t holding me upright. I reach out, my arm feels like it’s got a fifty-pound weight strapped to it, but I manage to grasp the strawberries in my hand. I can feel them squishing in my grasp and droplets of juice fall to the cave floor. I quickly shove them into my mouth, the taste is almost unbearable. They are sour to the point I almost spit them out, however my aching stomach won’t allow that, and I swallow hard coughing as they go down. I blink trying to focus my eyes so I could go for more, but her hand was no longer held up, there were no more. I felt tears sting my eyes as I look up at her. She looks freaking amused!
“Done?” I sniffle licking at my hand and fingers trying to get as much substance from the juices left on them. She picks up the small rock bowl she used to give me water and a drank my small allowed dosage. I looked up at her with pleading eyes.
“Please Jasper.” I can feel the tears stream down my checks, and she looks at me with a smile that shows off her grizzly sharp teeth. Before she gives me a hard shove back into the cage, I hit the floor hard and let out a pain filled whine.
Maybe I’ll give you more later. If I remember.” She laughs as she retreats to wherever it is she goes to when she leaves. I curl into myself letting the tears fall more rapidly. I already miss the nasty sour taste of the rotten berries and the refreshing water that washed them down. But oddly enough the thing I was missing and craving even more than the little bit of food I had, had in weeks, was the warmth that her leg gave off. I shiver as a gust of wind blew across me making me clench my jacket tighter and miss her warmth all that much more. Next time I’ll have to try and lean closer to absorb as much of her warmth as possible, I decided as I start to drift into a restless sleep.

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