Chapter 1: A Harmless Mission

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Lucy's P.O.V.

It has been three days since I found out I was pregnant. I even went to a doctor that confirmed to I am pregnant. I have been planning on what to tell Natsu. I want to confess to him as well but, I don't think I will not yet at least. I was finally walking to the guild after being gone for so long. I entered the guild and everyone was greeting me. I greeted them back and started looking for Natsu. I want over to Mira.

Mira: "Hey Lucy! How are you feeling?"

Lucy: "I'm feeling a lot better thanks. Have you seen Natsu?"

Mira: "He is looking for a mission at the board."

Lucy: "Thanks!"

Mira: "No problem!"

I want to the board and saw Natsu and Happy. I went over to Natsu and he turned around and gave me his dorky cute smile.

Natsu: "Hey Luce! I just found a mission! We need to get something back that was stolen. What do you think? It's a good price."

I looked at the poster and it was a good price. In fact, a bit overpriced but what we are returning are family heirlooms so it makes sense. The mission seems to be harmless.

Lucy: "Yeah, why not? It seems harmless."

Natsu: "Good! Let's go and get this over with!"

Happy: "Aye sir!"

We left a few hours later. We got on the train and Natsu's motion sickness started kicking in when the train move. I was playing with his hair and he seem to like this. I don't know if it was helping him or not. I am going to tell him when the mission is over.

Natsu P.O.V.

Motions sickness SsSsSsSsSsSsSsSuUuUuUuUuUuUcCcCcCcCcCcCcCkKkKkKkKkK!!!! Luce was playing with my hair and I really like it. She was also petting Happy. I don't know if it is me or is it just Luce kinda smells like me...It's probably nothing. Although I want to help Luce, I can tell she is still sick as she looked a bit sick on the train ride as well. We finally got off the ride and went out to eat before we went to our mission. We were eating at a restaurant and I noticed that Luce was eating a lot. I really didn't mind but, it was strange. We were talking, laughing, and just being ourselves...Lucy looks so cute....Wait what? We finished eating and went over to the guy that got robbed. Luce and I were talking to this guy and from what it sounds like this guy was robbed at night and took family jewels. We left and we started tracking these jerks. Luce and I were having casual conversation like always. I noticed how easy it is to talk to her. She always says what's on her mind and no one would stop her. Man is she an amazing women! This is just something I love her about her...Wait...BOOM We find these jerks and Luce was planning an attack and I just jumped in.

Luce: "Natsu..."

Happy: "NATSU!"

Natsu: "I'm all fired up!"

As the battle started Luce and I destroyed these guys. They clearly never fought wizards before.

Natsu: "Aw I fought they would put up a fight!"

Luce: "Come on Natsu weren't here for a fight. Happy go get the heirlooms and Natsu, you help me tie theses guys up."

Natsu & Happy: "Aye Sir!"

Happy did get the jewels and we tied these guys up and handed them to the authorities. We were heading back to the guy that got robbed. Once we got to his house he was happy having his stuff back.

Customer: "Thank you so much! Let me pay you!"

Luce: "It was not a problem. Oh! Thank you!"

The guy handed the money to Luce.

Natsu: "Not a problem sir!"

We left the house, then we split money, and started heading to the train.

Luce: "That was an easy mission!"

Natsu: "Yeah it was!"

Luce: "Uh—Natsu I need to tell you something..."

Natsu: "What is it Luce?"

Luce: "L-Look...P-Please don't be mad at me..."

Natsu: "What's wrong Lucy? You can tell me anything. I promise I won't get mad..."

Luce: "Promise?"

Natsu: "I promise. Now what is it?"

Luce: "I—uh...Natsu I'm pre—"

An explosion happened right behind Luce and I grabbed her and shielded her from it. Happy flew above to see what was going on. Luce was screaming but she stopped and looked very confused.

Natsu: "Who the hell—"

A guy wearing all black jumped in front of us. I was still protecting Luce. I started growling.

???: "Now lets make this easy for me."

Natsu: "Whoever you, you're messing with the wrong people!"

I was prepared to attack and so did Luce. She summoned Virgo and we were about to attack

???: "Shadow Storm."

Suddenly we were surrounded in the darkness. I looked around and I saw Luce,. I ran over to her.

Luce: "Where are we?!"

Natsu: "I don't know but we are getting out of here!"

Luce: "Natsu I'm pre—"

???: "Shadow Army; attack."

Suddenly were attacked I didn't know what was attacking. I couldn't see or smell was attacking me but it hurt likes hell. I scream and I heard Luce scream as well. I needed to protect her and tried to get to her but these attacks were made it hard to more.

???: "Shadow Storm!"

A massive wind took us off our feet and and we were spinning around I was trying to find Happy but I didn't see him. Where is he?!?!

???: Shadow Army; attack!"

Another attack happened. I didn't know what was happening the last thing I remember was Luce she was screaming and then suddenly I passed out.

A few hours later

My vision was blurry and I could make see Erza and Ice Princess. I was slowly starting to remember what happened...Me and Lucy were on a mission to return something but then we were attacked.

Natsu: "Where's Lucy?!"

Erza: "Natsu...I hate to say this but..."

Ice Princess: "We couldn't find her Natsu...She's gone..."

Natsu: "Wait what?!?"

Erza: "We searched the area. We still are looking but as of now she is missing."

Ice Princess: "Happy told us that he was flying then you two was trapped in this weird black bubble."

Natsu: "Were we in this weird black void thing then we were attacked. I couldn't even move even move, we were suddenly, well I think it was the air. Then we were attacked out again. I think the second attack was much more aggressive at least towards me. I don't remember anything else after that."

Erza: "Well Happy brought us to you and it was just you laying on the ground..."

Natsu: "S-So...I've probably been out of it for a while..."

Where is Lucy? Please be okay....

Lucy's P.O.V.

The last thing I remember was being attacked. I was doing everything I can to protect my womb and I was panicking. Was the baby okay? Where am I? Why am I here? I released that was in a pretty nice room it reminded of me when I use to live with father. I stood up and released my keys were gone. I noticed that the window had bars on it.

???: "We can give you the life that you and your baby can have if you behave...Just remember to behave...Your baby is fine...Oh! Also, congratulations on the baby!"

Hey guys! This is the first chapter! Hope you guys like this chapter! That is all for today! I love you all my little wolf pack! Bye!! 😘😘😘

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