{3} {Crash Down}

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I woke up in the morning to near silence, this meant Demi was in a bad mood and everyone was stepping on egg shells around her.

I went downstairs to get a glass of water where I found my family eating breakfast. Demi looked up from the table then returned her gaze to Wilmer without a second glance.

I would be lying if I said it didn't upset me, I just wanted us to be back to normal.

Demi stood up to make more waffles for herself; I was stood in the spot she needed to be, getting my water. "Move dork." I don't know if she meant to be cruel, but it hurt.

I stood my ground and remained still, "I think your stomach is saying you don't need any more food." I said sarcastically as it made a noise. Sarcastically, a j o k e.

She didn't take it that way. She dropped her plate on the side before punching me in the arm. She left up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door.

My mom gave me a hard glare as I began walking to my room. I was stopped by Wilmer grabbing my arm, "why can't you just be nice to her for once?" he questioned, almost shouting at me.

I yanked my arm away and stormed up to my room, slamming my door. I had school in thirty minutes and needed to get ready. Maddie had already left, which meant I would be late, again.

I was made to walk to school, it was twenty minutes away and it started in ten.

As I was about to enter the school gates, I saw Jamie. She looked kind of sad, I walked over to her and spoke, "hey, are you okay?"

She looked up at me and wiped away a tear, "yeah, I'll be fine, it's stupid." She smiled up at me.

"Well I hate walking into classes late, so do you want to skip?" I prayed he would agree, otherwise I would have to sit alone in the toilets for an hour.

"sure." She replied. I sat down next to her, leaning on the fence like she was. "I'm so stressed. Do you mind if I smoke?" I was slightly shocked but shook my head all the same.

She outstretched her hand to me, a hand containing a cigarette, "want one?" I took it from her without a second thought. She helped me light it and told me what to do.

I inhaled it, instantly coughing the smoke back up. She started laughing, "You'll get used to it." She assured me. True to her word, I did.

We had maths next, we headed there together. She changed her seat to sit next to me, I normally sit alone at the back, not anymore.

"Sophie where were you first period?" Mr Heddon asked me, we call him sweaty normally. "Usual." I replied; all my teachers knew what it meant. It meant I was too scared or already having a panic attack in the bathroom.

The lesson ran smoothly and like she promised, Jamie actually helped me understand the work. In fact, the rest of the day ran smoothly, no fights, no yelling at people. My mood was crushed by the time I got home though.

When I walked through the door my mom bombarded me, "I want you to go upstairs right now and apologise to your sister she's been crying all day."

I didn't realise I had affected her that much; it was only a joke for god's sake. I trudged upstairs and threw my bag in my room before knocking on Demi's door. I walked in and saw her almost asleep lay on Wilmer's chest.

She looked crushed, and he was tracing patterns on his back with his hand. "Demi..." I started talking, she looked up at my when she heard my voice. "I don't want a fight." She shut down the conversation and lay back into Wilmer's arms.

I looked down and fiddled with my hands, digging my nails in slightly. "I'm sorry..." I said through my tears before walking out of her room and back to mine.

Without realising my actions I had walked into my bathroom and cut my arm. When I came to my senses I dropped the blade on the floor, I wiped my eyes and stumbled slightly as I went to lay on my bed.

Sobs were racking through my body, I was trying to keep them as quiet as possible.

I don't remember falling asleep but I was woken up by Wilmer. "Dinners ready, you need to eat sweetheart." I sighed and stood up, I did like Wilmer, he cared about me but he got annoyed when I was a bitch to demi.

He let me out of the room first and followed me downstairs, almost stopping me from escaping. Demi looked sad sat at the table, she had barely touched her food, not at all I don't think.

I joined my family at the table along with Wilmer, I picked up my fork and began eating, actually eating. I was starving, I hadn't eaten in days and the meal was only chicken and vegetables, so I ate it.

Demi on the other hand did not. "Demetria eat." My mother's voice was stern. Demi turned to Wilmer and let a tear roll down her cheek. Wilmer reached his arm around demi and pulled her close to his chest.

Wilmer left with demi and her plate, heading towards the kitchen. This has happened before, where she out right refuses to eat. Last time she sat on his knee with him feeding her until she was done. I assume this is what was happening this time.

This was my entire fault, I didn't even mean what I said, I was trying to be funny. I pushed my plate away and went upstairs; I got into bed and shut my eyes, trying to shut out the thoughts at the same time.

I woke up when I heard someone going through my stuff. I looked at the clock, it was three am. I got up and headed towards the noise, in the bathroom.

I was shocked at the sight before me. Demi had tears pouring down her face; she was trembling trying to find something. "Dem?"

She looked up at me just as quickly as she looked away. She kept pulling things out of my cabinets before collapsing on the floor in tears. I rushed to her side, I tried to hug her but she pushed me away. I grabbed her harder this time, pulling her close to me.

"What are you doing?" I said through my tears. "I...I needed... I ran out of. I had no..." she let out a sob and wiped her eyes with her sleeve, that's when I noticed her blood, "I need your bipolar meds, please" she begged me.

She must have ran out, she gets anxious when she doesn't take them. "Hey it's okay, calm down." We were on the same tablets, I'm not allowed to give her any, but I couldn't leave her like this.

I reached to the back of the cabinet and retrieved my tablets; I took one out and handed it to her with some water. She took it gladly and wiped her face, trying to compose herself.

She flinched as I took her arm in my hands, I wet a towel and tried to stop the bleeding. I didn't say a word to her as I wrapped her arm in a bandage. I kissed it and pulled her onto her feet.

She was weak, from the emotion that was enclosed in her body. I lay her down in my bed whilst I lay at the other side, trying to keep away from her. She reached her hand over and grabbed mine; we lay like that until we fell asleep.

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