Chapter 3

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"You're lying." I said, "why do you keep lying? You're lying!"

"Loretta, it's true. Your family, they are dead. They died a year ago."

"That's bull! BULLSHIT!" My heart was a racing like a car travelling a million kilometres per second. I couldn't believe this man. I hated him, I hated him so much that just thinking about him right now made my blood boil. "Why are you lying to me like this?!WHY?!"

"Loretta, please calm down!"

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" I grabbed the nearest thing, my succulent in a clay pot and threw it at him. It missed his head by mere inches and exploded into shards and chunks of plants when it met the wall behind him. "Don't tell me to calm down," I cried, my knees went weak and I crumbled onto the floor. I couldn't help it, I started to cry. Big fat swollen tears fell and stained the carpet. I hate it how I always cry when I'm too angry, too happy, too sad. It made me look weak, vulnerable.

Dylan kneeled beside me and placed me into his arms. Once I realised what was happening a couple of moments later, I pulled away. I wiped my tears away quickly, "I don't believe you. I want proof. Now."

"First, I need to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, then I need to make sure you remember who your family is. Come on, tell me about them."

I just looked at him with a facial expression that said no, he returned it with one that told me he doesn't mind waiting. Rolling my eyes, I started. "Both my parents don't have siblings, so no aunties and uncles and no cousins. But there are a couple of family friends that fit into those categories even though there is no blood relation like my godmother. My grandparents are all dead. I am the only child my parents have. They call me their miracle baby because all my older siblings died before ever leaving the womb. I was premature. The last time I spoke to my mom was two days ago. Happy?"

"Do you remember what date that was?"

"A few days after new year's, 2016."

Dylan looked sombre. "It's now 2019, October."

"Like you said, I lost three years of my memory, now give me the proof."

He nods before getting off the floor and disappearing from my room. I was glad for the moment of solitude and silence. I didn't like my outburst; it's just I didn't want to hear anyone say those words. My parents were my anchor, the walls that protected the kingdom. I was glad that the police officer didn't see it, she'd think I'm crazy. Out of my mind. I sighed and moved to sit on my rug, pulling my knees to my chest and placing my head on it.

I didn't think about the possibility that this man has been telling the truth all along, it would pain me to know that my intuition was wrong.

A death certificate. That's what he placed on my hand. It had my mother's name, Jasmine Moyes. Her date of death, 23 August 2017. Dylan gave me another certificate to see, my father's, Timothy Moyes, and just like my mother's, the day he died was on 23 August 2017. The certificates looked real, felt real, they were real but how'd I know, I never seen a death certificate before. My eye's watered but I refused to cry,

"This is not enough, I need more." I croaked. He nodded, "I know," before handing me a newspaper, it was the free local community paper that my parents would receive weekly on a Thursday. I obviously didn't receive them anymore because I moved to a different city. The date this was issued on was Thursday, 31 August.

"Go to page 2." I followed his command and there on page 2 was an article with a heading in big bold letters, A DEADLY CAR CRASH. I couldn't hold back my tears as I read the article, they flowed out, staining the paper like how greasy fried chicken stained covered our fingers with oil. A sob rumbled out of me as I instinctively pulled the newspaper to my heart. "Mom," I cried, "dad."

My heart was in so much pain, it ached and squeezed. Dylan opened his arms and I couldn't help it, I fell into them, into a stranger's arms. I needed the comfort and support I couldn't give myself.

I couldn't stop crying, it was like the rain that came after a long drought, it didn't seem to end. I hid my face in his chest, I didn't care about how my tears would spoil his shirt. I couldn't stop crying, couldn't stop thinking of all the sad and happy moments I shared with them. I wanted them to die after me because I was selfish. Selfish enough that I didn't want to go through the pain of losing them.

Dylan began to sing a lullaby. His voice was smoothing, soft and sweet. I found myself relaxing to the slow and melodic rhythm of his voice as it drowned out my thoughts.

Author's Note:

That's chapter 3. I hope you like it and if you found any problems with it, TELL ME! I want to make this story better and better my writing.

I will try to upload twice a week since must countries are in lock down right now because of Queen Rona. Sorry for the late upload.

Thank you so so so much for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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