Chapter 2

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I don't know what I meant to this man, but it was clear that I was hurting him a lot. The pain in his eyes looked like a raging fire from the deepest pits of hell, his soul begging to be let out. I was so close to him yet so far. I need to be respectful, kind. I sat beside him on my bed.

"Sir, I honestly don't know who you are, but can you please leave, just for a little while?"

"I cant."

I sighed, "you cant, or you wont?"

He took a deep breath in and placed my hands in his before looking at me. "I can't leave. I can't leave because you're basically my everything, Loretta. We've been together for two years; I can't just leave. You've lost two years worth of your memory; I can't just leave. I need to help you remember."

The words he spoke felt like they were straight from the romantic books I read. The words that most females want to hear their love interest utter to them with certainty. They want them to mean these words from the deepest trenches of their heart. I've desired for a man as beautiful as Dylan to say such words to me, I even had dreams about it but not in a situation like this. Not when I don't know anything about him besides his name. Not when the love he proclaims has never put to the test.

"It's hard to take this conversation seriously when you only have a towel on." I said jokingly, not bothering to pay any attention to his reaction. "Put some clothes on, I'll be in the living room."

"Do you believe me?" He asked just before I took a step out of my room. I pretended like I didn't hear him.


I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water when I found his phone on the kitchen counter. It was locked with a password but that wasn't why I wanted to use it. I quickly made sure the coast was clear before I used the emergency call feature to call the police. I told them that there was a stranger in my house pretending to be a boyfriend I never had and is refusing to leave my apartment. They told me there was a police officer patrolling nearby and they'd be over right away.

The doorbell rang a couple of moments later, forcing Dylan to leave my room. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a red shirt. Noticing this made me look at what I was wearing, black sweatpants with a yellow long-sleeved shirt. I didn't want to think about how I got into these clothes or how I smelt like I'd taken a bath a few minutes before he took his shower. I knew it would make me nauseous.

Making sure I was a few feet away, I followed him to the door. When he opened it, there stood a woman in police uniform. She looked older than Dylan and me, maybe in her late thirties, early forties. He let her in after they exchanged a greeting. I stood at the opposite side of the living room.

"So, maam, what brings you here?"

"Well, we received an interesting call a few minutes ago," she began, Dylan looked at me before his attention went back to the officer. "I'm assuming you're the imposter boyfriend refusing to leave her apartment?"

Dylan looked at me again and just like the first time, his face held no expression, his eyes made him look like he was in pain but when his gaze returned to the officer, he tried to seem okay. The officer noticed this.

"This is a misunderstanding. Loretta is my girlfriend and I am not an imposter. She had fainted a few months ago whilst walking home, unfortunately when she fell, she hit her head badly and became unconscious. Her brain injury caused her to go into a coma and she also lost about two years or more of her memory because of it. She doesn't remember me thats why she thinks I'm not her boyfriend." He looked at me again, this time for about 10 seconds, not that I was counting or anything.

"He is lying," I said. The officer ignored me. "Can show me any proof that the both of you were together?" she asked. Dylan lead her to a couple of shelves beside my TV, I went to look at those photo frames that I didnt know existed. If I just entered the living room like I said I would, I would've been prepared to for this. Maybe even throw them in the trash.

"See, these are pictures of me and her when we went to San Francisco. It was our first couples trip together." He said as he pointed at a frame. He pointed at another," Over here, we spent Christmas at Wisconsin. And another where we were at the beach and another at an amusement park." My hands trembled.

"He is lying. He photoshopped all of these. Its easy to make photoshop look real. He photoshopped these," I didn't notice that my eyes began to water. "He is not my boyfriend, I never had one."

The officer looked at me then at Dylan. "It seems like shes in shock," she whispered, intending for only Dylan to hear but failed at the attempt. "Take good care of her, okay."

"Are you really letting this go?" I asked as she walked over to the door, "over pictures? Aren't you going consider the fact that the pictures could've been photoshopped?"

"Why would he photoshop them? He loves you; I can see it in his eyes. Why can't you believe this fact, accept it?" She said as she walked towards me.

"Accept it? Something is wrong, I can feel it."

She placed hands on my shoulders. "What if that's just you feeling uneasy because a big chunk of your memory has been taken away? You're confused, dear. Thats all."

I pushed past her and walked towards my room; I didn't want to listen to this right now. Whilst I was still in hearing distance, she said to Dylan, "Don't look so stressed. Take her to people she might recognise like her family."

"Her family is dead."

Author's Note

So, this is chapter two. I think I did a better job with this one. Tell me your wonderful thoughts, I want to read them.

Please vote and share my story.

Thank you for reading.

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