Chapter three: Bonding Time

Start from the beginning

A few hours ago...

The kids were looking through the small window to outside, to be surprised by five cars and a midnight black prisoner's transportation truck. They looked at the alien, hidden under the bed, unsure of what to do, though the alien was making a plan. Once the alien had it, they crawled out from under the bed, has she nodded to them, talking about it "why not use the defense system? You did practice a lot, you should be good with those" the kids didn't understand at first, to notice that one of their stronger defense was, indeed the slingshots, so they got ready and took their small bucket of sharp rocks, ready to aim and fire.

The younger kids of the gang were waiting for the instructions of the older one, to then start to fire the said weapon, scratching the glass of the cars and truck, since these windows were bulletproof, they had surprised attacked the said team of outer being hunters. Until one of the munition, brought by the bucket hit a soldier, there was broken the attack, hell broke loose. Since they were kids, the soldiers could only use soft foam made weapons, and they only had Styrofoam balls, so it didn't do much to the cabin, or the kids. Even if they tried to hit the children, it was impossible, the wind pushed the light balls away, the only god knows why they brought some. They still have a heart, only for the children of their race though. They want any alien out of order, they shall rule their planet, not them. Even better, they shall rule every planet!

The soldiers, surprised by the pain brought by small, useless slingshots, understood that they were modified by the alien, or even made by them since they hurt like bullets. For that to happen, you need quite the strength, but they were kids! How could it be possible? The alien made the slingshots, she is quite clever, they could only do one thing, retreat, as they were too strong, they left with quite the bruising, the boss will not be happy, they had somehow lost to kids. The stupid alien helping the kids, it will be harder to get it, but they won't give up. Defeated, the hunter team retreated and left, with their pride bruised, has kids took their price, the Stalgamate. But they only swore to them, inside their minds, that very soon, their purple friends will be theirs, and theirs alone.

Once the report was done, the said team was alerted and had to pack up and leave, as they were loosing to some children, NASA did their small researches. The boss was even madder, they failed to kids, and they had lost their hidden facility, did they know how hard it is to find an abandoned scientist facility? Or even how to pass under NASA's radar? The team will surely get it once all of this is over...

The NASA team, still suspicious about the missing teammate, did their homework. They were looking through the man's files, to notice that the name wasn't in the government's database, they had somehow been fooled by the said guy. How could they be so desperate for employees that they didn't look at their files? Only they know. Because of that, they then worked harder to find its real name, to finally find it, he was the worst criminal in the heir state, in Jeprey, he was Elton Eaton, the criminal searched by the FBI. For quite some time too! He had gone out of the radar for over ten years! They contacted the other authorities that were looking for him, to find a facility address, one that the NASA had left a long time ago, they were surprised it still worked despite the age of it. It was their first alien research laboratory.

They had to get ready to break the facility, but they failed to notice the impressive hacker in their modules, they alerted the boss, so they had to pack and leave. Their system rebooting giving a new Antivirus, blocking the said hacker.

The said team was alerted by the position of the lab since they are quite close to it, once this was done, they gathered in. Only, to fall on empty lab space, even the old and unusable laboratory tools were not present. They had to assume that the spy was still on the run and had access to there files, on this occasion, they deleted the files, not before protecting a copy of it on an antique file disc. That disc, quite special, so small that is can fit in a watch, has a special watch was made to hold the said files. There are only two models of these watches, and no one knows who has the second one, inside of it, holding everything they need to know about the aliens that arrived many years ago.

Has the kids were talking about their success, the alien was feeling uneasy, has she felt like something like that would happen again, only to wave it off again. Since the kids were happy, the outer was too, Starslay joined them in the celebration of their small and great victory, they defeated adults! Plus, they were trained for that!

Out in the far corner, Ryan, lifted his long-sleeved shirt, to look at the watch his father gave him, before leaving. A few weeks ago, he learned that his father was killed by a hunter team. That team was, or well seemed to be going insane about aliens. Did the father say to hide and protect the watch, to what purpose? Even he doesn't know. He hid it once more and joined the conversation, even if he only listen to it. Wondering, why his father was always secretive, the watch doesn't even work! The new batteries doing nothing to it.

They had quite enjoyed the fun, the best thing, was that school was out, meaning that it was summer vacations for the kids, so they can have more fun with the new being present in the cabin. The older kid, a little unsure, had decided to try and help it, still being quite careful of it, unsure if they are telling the truth or only lying.

Since there was a lot of yelling and music sounding from the radio could be faithfully heard out of the cabin. The one that was a little too crazy in the small party was the girl, she had so much fun that the two boys stopped to look at their best friend, taught has a little sister in their small fake family. The funniest thing out of it was the alien, she didn't understand the meaning of dancing, so she just looked at the girl, trying to copy her and failing in the funniest way possible. Falling on the ground, and slowly moving her arms, trying to understand what was going on. Plus, the alien was wondering what was the small box that gave sound, and what was the sound. She stopped what she was doing to walk up to the small black box. Only to lightly tap on it, watching it and trying to understand how it works.

The kids, laughing at her antiques, decided to explain much more to her, such as the radio and other things about the normal human life, only for that to turn unto a terrified Starslay on how the human body works. At least to the expend the kids know, that they have to eat and go to the restrooms...

The alien didn't know what to do, scared of what would come next out of the mouths of the children in front of her. Since she was shaking, the kids stopped talking about the details and asked her about herself, how they eat and live.

The kids were surprised by what was to come early next, the alien explained that they didn't need to eat, since they are made of a compact energy, like electricity on earth.

Since she was special, didn't need to eat or sleep, they listened carefully. She looked at them and stopped talking, saving the rest for a better time and asked them to talk about themselves, turning this little conversation into a better one...

The kids, where so much into talking that they had never noticed the time passing by, the time escaping their hands, what would be awaiting them at the end of the line? This, only the time can tell, it is our friend, yet our enemy chose carefully now...

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