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(2) to meet someone, especially who you do not expect

If there was anything else in the world that Jeanne loves other than music and God, it was food. That Sunday afternoon, after church, she unexpectedly began to crave sushi. So she invited Gwen to go to the mall with her to have lunch with her family.

Jeanne is a 14-year-old girl who, if described in one word, is extra. Extra talented, extra smart (almost nerdy), extra influental, extra stylish, and extra (they say) beautiful . She had straight and silky soft jet black hair, huge pretty eyes, those eyebrow goals, and the other chinese doll-like features you could think of, but her ears.. Don't make me feel bad about my ears! Jeanne whined in the background. Okay, we don't have to describe them, just wait for Sebastian to say it to you next few chapters. She had a slim and "could wear anything bad but still look good (although that ain't happening anytime soon because she always knows what to wear)" body (she might've been extra skinny as well if it weren't for her mum deciding to make her eat four times a day since last year) too. She hated it when people called her extra, though. She said that there are other words that could be used to describe her. But what else could we use? Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, then. What on Earth does that mean? Gwen said in the background, that wasn't part of the plan! And while Jeanne is a person who easily makes friends, she prefers to be the lazy and reserved sloth that she is when in public. Unless Gwen comes along.

Gwendoline is.. A jumpy teenager who doesn't ever get puberty. She's childish at times, you could think she has a litre of sugar injected to her blood vessels. She's smooth skinned, bright-eyed, and never shows the sad side of herself. Unless she's alone with Jeanne. And honestly, she is actually a really sad and lonely person. She's just happy so that she could trick herself into thinking that she's not (G: HEY!!). She has fiery orange hair, full and pink lips, and eyes so mesmerizing, let's talk about it. They're deep and shimmery, burning with ambition and adventure, in the color of diamond blue. She has the ability to communicate with her eyes to people, whether to say if she's happy, in love with you, or hungry. She's the one who brings the kind out of Jeanne, because Jeanne could be a beast to some people sometimes. They really make a perfect pair. And get this, they go to the same school, live in the same neighborhood, go swimming together every saturday morning, and go to the same school. It's a mystery how they don't get bored of each other. Well, obviously they don't because they're BESTFRIENDS.

They got in the backseat of Jeanne's rover, because Jeanne's little sister Charlotte wanted to sleep next to nobody. And Charlotte is really particular about things, she could be Miss Extra jr. And Mr. Sherburn, Liam, and his wife sat in the front seats as usual, Mrs. Sherburn-Chen, Wenjin, driving because this foodie family can't wait to eat and Mrs. Sherburn-Chen is a faster driver than her own husband. Yes, it's strange, but it's great. For your information, this family is also lazy by blood and just want to go home so they only planned on getting the sushi on take-away and eat at home. It's more "time-efficient". When they reached the front of the mall, Mrs. Sherburn-Chen decided not to park inside the crowded parking lot belonging to the mall to "save time" so she let her car rest in the grocery store's parking space. Which was across the mall. By the way, let's just call the Sherburn parents by their first name. she gave Jeanne and Gwen money to buy whatever sushi that they wanted, and the girls were just about to leave when something caught her eye.

On the other corner of the parking space, she saw a familiar man get out of his car with two boys taller than he is. And then everything made sense. She scrambled out of her rover and waved, yelling:

"Redmond! Nicholas!"

They turned their heads as Wenjin tried her best not to stumble while running in heels that tall. Jeanne looked around at the name 'Nicholas' and dropped her jaw. And money, which Gwen had to pick up for her.

"Oh my GOD!"

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