Part 4

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Karen and Stevie just got back in the car after talking to the label. They said they were going to do her new album. Stevie was so happy. Karen mind was still trying to figure out who was at the house? Stevie pulled out her cell and texted Lindsey. "We are on our way back. Stay up stairs until I get rid of her? I have a gift for you."

Karen didn't understand. She never uses her phone? Who the hell is she talking to? She tried to look at it but Stevie hid it to well.
"Who are you texting?"

"Just a friend why?"

"Because you never text. You barely even call anyone on that phone."


Stevie phone went off. It was Lindsey. Karen tried to see but failed again. Stevie read the message and had a smile from ear to ear on her face. "Okay miss nicks. I will be waiting for you in bed ;)"

Stevie messaged back. "You better not fall asleep again on me buck."


"Yeah Karen?"

"I just wanted you to know that I'm really happy you got this album. I don't know what you would do if you where at home alone longer." She said starting to laugh.

"Yes, thank you. I think I would have gone crazy! Well, I'm already talking to myself. What's next?" She started to laugh.

"I have no idea. I would want to send the famous Stevie Nicks to a crazy house. That would be horrible! Then again you would fit in perfect." She said laughing.

"Right! You would have to send me there, Wait a minute. That was rude." She said laughing.

"Well I'm sorry but what can I say? It's the truth. Everyone knows it. Even you. You can't lie to me."

"Wow Karen. You sure got it planed don't you?"

"Of course."

Stevie phone went off again. "Miss Nicks, it's getting very lonely here by my self. Can you com make it all better? I want you. I love you. :)"

Karen tried to look at it, but failed again. They finally got back to the house and Stevie unlocked the door and went in. Karen was right on her trail.

"Well, thank you Karen. It's still your day off and I want you to joy it."

"Your welcome Stevie. Can I stay and we go out to eat or something? I can't stay from you. You know that right?" She said with an ear to eat smile.

"No, this is your day off and I want you to go out and do something fun with it. That's the whole point of your day of is to get away from the crazy but job." Stevie pulled out some money and have it to Karen. "Now, go get your nails done and go do something relaxing. Than go out to eat."

"Stevie, you know I can't just take this from you."

"Your not taking it. I'm giving it."

Stevie then slowly made her way up the stairs trying to be as quite as she could. We she made it to the top. She stopped and tried to listen for Lindsey. She didn't hear him and went to her room and looked in. He was sitting in the bed reading a book. She opened the door more and he didn't notice. She stood there with her hand on her hip waiting for him to look up. He never did. "Why hello. Can I help you?" She finally spoke.

"Why yes you can miss Nicks. Why don't you come over and I can show you."

Stevie walked over to him. "You won't believe what happened!"

"What happened?"

"I didn't get the album."

"What?! That's not even possible! They have always done your albums!"

"Yes, I know." Stevie walked over and sat next to Lindsey on the bed.
"They said that they loved my idea and they wanted me to start working on it as soon as possible. I told them I wanted to film this album and they said great! I ask for a year. They said no more."

"Wait?! What?! You did get the album?! That's great!" He stood up and picked Stevie up in his arms. He started to kiss her and he slowly laid her down on the bed. He got on top of her and said. "Time to celebrate!"

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