Part 2

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Lindsey was the first one to awaken that day.When he woke up he was there with the woman he loved. He was happy to be holding her. His face grow a smile when the woman he was holding began to awake. He bent down and kissed her. Stevie was shocked to see the man in her bed. She couldn't belive that last night really was real and not a dream. She has missed him so much that it was killing her to go on without him. She trely love him and she knew he loved her. Why eles whould he be in be here? In my bed?

''Good moring.'' She said with a smile.

''Good moring my queen.''

"Do you have the time or date by any chance?''

"Oh, What's this? You get so drunk you can't remember the date?''

"Oh, Shut-up! You know what happens when I am...'' She hit him in the chest playfuly.

''Well Miss Nicks, It is Friday and the time is 11 am.''

"See! Why it that so hard to answer?''

''No, I just didn't want to.'' He kissed her again.

"You just want to stay here, Huh?''

"Well, Do you want the truth?''

''Why would I ask if I didn't want it?''

"Oh, I don't know... Anyway what do you want to do today?''

''Well, I'm not sure Karen has the weekend off....'' She trailed off.

''Well, Kristen thinks I'm at my brothers and I can have him covor for me. There's notthing big on my "To Do List'' this weekend.''

''Okay, Do you really think your brother would covor for you? Knowing your here sleeping with me?''

''Well Miss Nicks, Who said he has to know what I'm doing?''

''Won't he ask?''

''Well I can just say that I'm doing some writeing and I need the alone time for right now.''

"Fine! But don't let this fall back on me! I'm not going to deal with your baby ma'ma drama. You know how I am, I will stop her dead in her tracks! Besides I don't want to brake up your family! I know whay people say behind my back, I don't need anymore of that Lindsey.'' Tears started swelling in her eyes.

''No, It won't come back on you. I really do have a song that I have been working on. He knows. I need to get out of the house anyway. Kirsten has been getting on my back about everthing I do. I'm sick of it. Second! You won't be braking up my family! You know that! We are meet to be, We love each other! We won't let nothing in the way of that! No, matter whay anyone says or thinks. Kirsten is just my baby ma'ma! Nothing more!'' He tried to clam her down.

"I belive you sweetie. I just don't want this to come back on us. You know? With our big famous lifes.''

"Yeah, I understand what you mean. I just need to finally brake up with her.''

''Why don't you yet? We have been doing this for a while now.''

''I need a good reason. This will be the front page of everything.''

''Yeah, I guess your right.''

''Okay, So back to my earlier question. What are we doing today?''

"We can stay here in this bed and sleep, Or we can go find something around the house.''

''Umm, I like staying here.'' He bent down and kissed her.

"Well, Mr. Buckingham I don't want you to have to much fun now.''

''What do you mean it won't be fun for you?''

''You are off in your own world huh? Always thinking about sex! I just think we should try something diffrent?''

''Try something diffrent? What do you mean?''

''Well.....' She got on top of him and started to kiss him.


1 Hour Later


Stevie was down in the Kicten making her and Lindsey some food for the day. When Lindsey walked in and hugged her from the back. "Smells good.''

''I'm just that good of a cook.''

''Well Miss Nicks, That's is very much true. You wouldn't want me to burn down the house, Huh?''

''Well duh! Lindsey I hate to brake it to you but you can't cook!''

''I knew this... A long time ago.''

''Well it's time to eat. Would you want me to make your plate?"

"No, I can make it. Thank you though."

"Your welcome. Meet you in the living room?"

Lindsey made his plate and meet Stevie in the living room. Where they ate there food and watched movies the whole night. Until Stevie had a phone call.

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