"I'm so happy for you like you've always wanted to be a mom Nat, I can't believe this"

"I know" I said

"do you guys ever think of moving back to Chicago?"

"well, we've talked about it but once we raise a family you know, we don't want to do that in LA but at the same time, if David gets an opportunity as a late night host we might stay here a little longer but we both want to move back eventually"

"well, I can't wait for that to happen" Lauren said

"what about you guys, Specially you Isa, have you thought about Uni?"

"Well, I really want to go to uni but I'm not sure what I want o study. Also, Esther and I have talked about following in your footsteps where we move out to LA. I don't know, I just think it would be so fun"

"well I'm glad but I would always want you to go to uni like I did because to be able to do what David did, you have to have a very special mindset and be very lucky"

"No, of course" Isa said and nodded in agreement

"hey, have you guys talked about marriage and kids?" Lauren said bringing back to the topic

"well... we've talked about marriage in like one or two years time and we talked about kids the other day. Like he didn't know that I wanted to be a young mom and he wasn't put off by it he was like if he's the right mindset he would be up for it"

"No way!" they both screamed and I laughed

David's POV:

When Natalie left with her sisters, immediately my sisters came and sat right beside me and looked at me desperately and I asked "what?" not knowing what they wanted

"Okey, you two are so happy, I have never seen you so happy David" and I didn't know what to say. I just blushed and smiled.

"Have you guys talked about the future?"

"Maybe??" I said and they both screamed in excitement clearly aware that I meant yes

"Oh my god, you guys would be great parents"

"well Natalie would anyways, I'm not so sure about you."

"yeah you're right" My sisters said "Oh and you would have the cutest babies"

"Shut up" I said laughing and cringing

"david you are so in love" and I just covered my face at this point

"have you thought about when you are going to propose or have children"

"okey, can you guys calm down, we've been dating 5 months"

"don't kid yourself"

"fine" I said "I thought I wanted to wait until next year at least, I din't want it to be too soon. Also the baby thing, well she told me she wanted to be a young mom and I din't actually know that but for some reason I felt like I did too like maybe not in one year but I also don't want to wait until 30. Like I was surprised at myself that I wasn't opposed to it and I got excited about having family with her"

"Oh my god David" they both said and I covered my face in embarrassment once again

"Okey but please don't tell mom, she will call me and you know her" and they both nodded in agreement.

That night I was in bed with Nat and I turned to her "so, what did they want to talk about?"

"Umm, us"

"huh, that's interesting" I said sarcastically "my sisters did the same"

"do you thin they talked about it and now they are going to talk in between them to see what each of us said?" she said sort of laughing

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