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David's POV:

I was in utter shock that Natalie had been able to pull the three surprises without me knowing. I thought of myself as being un-sruprisable because I always found out one way or another but I guess she's found a way. I was also sort of terrified but extremely happy that Nat and I were getting married. It seems funny to me that we said that we would take things slow and yet we were 5 months in, we had a house together (that one doesn't really count because we had one before that) and we are going to get married. I didn't really even think about the green card thing, for me what was most exciting was knowing that we were both so sure that we were endgame. It bailed me how after 10 years of being bestfireds and everyone telling us to get together and it took us this long.

I was getting changed and Natalie walked in. I was dumbfounded by her beauty suddenly and she had to put my jaw back up. As she picked out what clothes to wear I hugged her from behind and kissed the top of her head. We swayed a little back and forth until we came back to reality and finished getting changed. "Wow, I have the hottest finacé ever"

"David, shut up!" she said giggling "someone's going to hear you"

"Ugh, I hate that we've gone back to keeping a secret, I loved it much better when we could just flaunt it"

"well, i'm still you girlfriend so you can still kiss me in front of the others..." She said cheekily and I approached her a kissed her. I then held her hand and she jumped on my back.

"grab my camera please" I said and she did as I couldn't because I was carrying her. We left the room and came out in to the pool area where the others were. We sat with them and joined in on the conversation.

"so, we think we more or less have a date set for the wedding" Heath said excited

"yeah, it'll be like next year around april or so." Mariah chimed in

"do you guys know where you want to do it?" Carly asked

"well because we have family all over, we thought about doing it in Pennsylvania where Mariah's family is and where my parents visited that thanksgiving. It was so gorgeous" Heath said as mariah cuddled up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, who do you guys thing will be next to get married apart from heath and mariah?" Jeff asked

"Umm, that one's tough because David and Natalie as so you I think they would wait" Zane said while me and Nat shared a knowing look. "OOOhhh, maybe kristen and Scotty, How long have you guys been dating?"

"well, its like 7 years now I think" Scotty said

"well, that's it, they're next" Zane said and we all laughed

The reality was that Scotty had been planning to propose on this trip. A few of us boys knew which was Todd, Jason and I. He had been planning on doing it for a while now but she always knew something was up so he decided to distance himself for a month or so so she wouldn't be suspicious. We all knew that they had a special dinner planned tomorrow night which was our last full night here. Nat ken too because she had helped us all organize it with him so nobody else would find out.

"guys, we are getting so old, we're hanging out by a pool thinking about who is getting married next" Matt said and we all laughed

"you would be one to talk" I said "you've got a grilfriedns of 6 months now, how's it going with you two?" I asked and he blushed

"ohhh, he's getting red!!" Zane shouted and we all laughed

"It's going great" he admitted

"do you think she's the one?" Heath asked

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