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David's POV:

I had booked a red eye flight to Chicago a month ago and asked all of our friends if anyone wanted to come but it seemed that it was just going to be the two of us because everyone was too busy. It wasn't a problem because I knew I would get to spend time with my high school friends and I could just get footage of them. Also, it meant that I could spend more time alone with Nat during the flight and maybe sneak some time in Chicago. The trip was only short it was for 5 days because I had promised my brother that I would go see him play in the last match of the season and Nat really wanted to see Reggie and her family.

During the flight, we were both so tired because it was so late and I had made sure tot get us first class flights so that we could sleep. I knew I needed to edit and as soon as I took out my laptop, Natalie proper herself up and decided against sleeping.

"Nat, what are you doing, go to sleep, you're tired"

"David, you need help when you edit plus we have 5 days off so I'll be able to sleep then."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Why? do you not want me to stay up with you?"

"No!" be both laughed "You know I always prefer it when you edit with me" I put on a cute face.

"Aww. Did you mean you are indecisive and need someone to tell you everything?" we chuckled

"Well, yeah, that too" And we were laughing again. "Okey, come here" I said while patting my seat fo her to come closer and without even thinking it over she was right up against my side and my arm was around her back. Instantly, her head was rested again the side of my chest and I loved the feeling of her warmth against me.

"hey, you know we are going to hide the date thing from Ilya right?" I said

"Yeah, he might get a little pissed seeing as he's had a crush on me for forever but I mean it's not like we're dating or anything"

It hurt me a little to hear her say that because I've been thinking more and more about what Jason had told me and it had made me realise that I do have feelings for her even if they aren't too much. I was doing as he told me and being a bit flirtatious so hearing her say that put me two steps back.

Nat's POV:

I knew as soon as I said that, that I shouldn't have because I felt his heart miss a beast and him shuffle slightly in the seat so I decided to put my hand up against his chest to get a little closer to him and maybe show that I do actually want him. It was the little moves that reggie had told me would make the biggest impact. I had noticed him getting slightly closer to me like right now and his attitude too. So I thought that putting my hand on his chest would just be one more of the small gestures.

During the flight, he kept on editing the video and finished just 15 minutes before. I had fallen asleep half way thought but I still had my head rested on his chest. It had moved slightly over from his shoulder to his chest where Y hand was but he didn't even try to move it. As soon as finished editing, I heard meh shut off the lap top and slightly move and go back to ur position as he put it away. Then I felt his arms wrapped around me and I couldn't help but notice the fluttering around my stomach. All of my worries about my comment at the beginning of the flight instantly fled. However, I also knew that this wouldn't last long but the fact that it had happened just made me fall for him once again.

David's POV:

I've always known Nat to be one of those people that have a very light sleep so I knew that I had to be super quiet when sitting my lap top. She was now with her head fully on my chest and I didn't want our position to change. I wanted to try something new and I wrapped my arms around her knowing that she will notice. I loved the feeling of having the in may arms and when she didn't move away and she just got closer to me, I fell asleep for the last 15 minutes of the flight with a smile on my face.

we were woken up by the flight attendant telling me 'that me and my girlfriend' needed to get back to landing position and so regretfully, we pulled away and sat up in out seats. However, as Nat pulled away, the hand that she had rested on my chest only moved down to me mine so that we were at least holding hands and I grabbed it without hesitation. My slight smile had now turned to a wide open smile at the fact that the flight attendant had called Nat my girlfriend and I knew she must have hear it and at the fact that we were holding hands.


Since it was still very late, we had decided to take a cab to Vernon hills rather than have one of our friends pick us up. The journey was around 45 minutes so as soon as we were both in the back, Natalie rested her head on my shoulder to get back to sleep but it slipped all the way to my chest and I couldn't help myself so I wrapped my arms around her again. We had retrieved our original position from he plane and I wasn't complaining. I was definitely getting used to it and I liked it. I knew that if she had let me wrap my arms around her twice, it must mean that she's getting used to it as well.

We both fell asleep and we arrived at her house first. I gently shook her shoulder but she didn't wake up. She must've been really tired and I didn't't know what to do. I glanced over at the driver and notice the impatience rising in his face so I just told him to continue to my house and that way as I was getting up, she would too. Also, it would give me more time to wake her up. I removed a strand of hair from her face gently tucking it behind her ear and whispered "Nat, Natalie" but she still didn't show any signs that she was awake. I called her name one last time as I realised that we were pulling down my street but still nothing. Suddenly, my actions took over and I kissed her cheek instantly regretting. At least she was starting to wake up. She turned her head to look at me and confusion spread all over it. I said "We're here" but she looked so tired like she wanted to straight back to sleep. She didn't even question the fact that we were at my house. I got out of the Cab while supporting her and she walked along with me until we reached my bed. I opened the covers and placed her inside and she instantly went back to sleep. I hurried back to the door and payed the driver. I pulled both our luggages in the house and brought them upstairs. I was on the fence about sleeping with natalie or going to the living room but I decided that she would feel out of place and we had done it many times before so I got in to the other side of the bed and fell asleep right next to her.

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