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Nat's POV:

It was the next morning. I had had the best night last night, and maybe even one too many intimate moments with David. I woke up, tangled with him on his bed, the both of us wearing matching pajamas like when we were little. I just felt so content in that moment. Like it was the happiest moment of my life waking up to David. I could feel his breath slowly hit the back of my neck every couple of seconds. His whole torso grazing my entire back and it felt like it just fit perfectly. his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me even closer. Lastly, our legs intertwined. Its as if we had gotten lost in ourselves during the night. However, I don't think he noticed because he was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up and mention it because I just wanted it to last longer.

I felt him shift from behind me and suddenly let out a grumble as he slowly woke up. "Nat" he called out and I felt shivers travel down my back.


"Good morning" he said and I felt him release his arms from my waist so I turned around to face him. We were both smiling and our faces inches away.

"Good morning" I said and we both smiled and stared at each other for a few seconds. Finally, we slowly started to sit up in bed. I rested my he'd on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder to bring me closer. "Hey, I think we should talk about last night"

"yeah" he said

"I want to be honest, I really enjoyed our time last night at the party and specially in the room later."

"Yeah, same. I felt like we were even closer than usual."

"I know, I enjoyed it. It didn't feel uncomfortable. It felt like it was sort of..."

"Supposed to happen" he finished and turned my he'd upwards to look up at him. He was smiling from ear to ear and so was I. "And this morning..."

"I enjoyed waking up like that" I admitted

"Yeah I did too. I know we've slept on the same bed a few times but it felt really nice to wake up with you"

"yeah, me too." he said as he pulled me even closer so I was now laying in between his legs, my back completely rested against him. Both of his arms hugging me from behind.

"So, where do we go from here?" i asked

"Well, I would love for it to be more if you wanted" he said timidly.

"yeah, me too"

"I'm just afraid that I won't be able to balance everything with work"

"Well, I am you assistant so I can make sure you have some time every week for me"

"Okey then, it's settled" she said sarcastically and we both laughed. "No, but seriously."

"David, I'm with you practically every moment of every day. I understand that you need to work and that you are busy. You don't have to worry about it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" I felt him kissing the top of my head and I just felt very comfortable.

"How about we take it slow. you know like go on a couple of dates first. Like what we've been doing every week but now we can actually call them dates."

"okey, if you're so worried about time and stuff, how about we do what you said but twice a week and they can be planned or spontaneous"

"i agree"

"great" I said as I was starting to remove myself from his arms to get ready.

"no!, stay a little more" he said


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