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David's POV:

We woke up the next day around noon and I had Nat in my arms. It had become the norm and I was thinking of Nat's and I's next step in our relationship although I wanted to wait little to take it. We wanted everything to go slowly and so far, we had been together for two months and we had already said "i love you" and we had made it official. We already lived together so that step would be easier to make the transition from her room to mine. Or eventually, if we move out in to a better home. But for now, I wanted to enjoy the moment. I felt he shuffle in my arms and groan a little. I guess the headache has started to kick in. "Hy, nat, its okey, take this" I said handing her the pills I had left on the bedside along with a glass of water. As she took it, I kissed the top of her head and caressed it. She handed me back the glass of water and I put it back on the table. We then took back our original positions. "hey, are you ready to go back to reality and all the craziness?" she asked me and I responded "you know, I kind of am. I miss it although it was nice to take this time off. however, it will take a toll on us to keep this relationship a secret"

"i know" she said

We eventually got up off the bed and I went to take a shower. As I was about to take my pyjamas off, I heard the bathroom door open and close again. Natalie was now in the bathroom with me. "Hey, what's up?"

"I was feeling a little needy" she said as she approached me biting her lip. Oh if she knew what she was doing to me. She finally reached me and put her hands under my shirt. She did me a favour and took it off. I then took hers off.

After the shower, we came back to reality and started to gather our belongings. We finished out suitcases and wen tot he lobby to meet the rest of the guys. Jason had organised for us to go on this weird food tour of restaurants that each had something different about them. We had a wonderful time going around the city and I was able to get a couple short and funny bits for the vlog.

We were now on our flight, Natalie beside me sleeping as I edited the vlog. I stopped after 20 minutes and looked over at her peacefully sleeping. I kissed the top of her head once more and went back to editing. The rest fo the flight was pretty uneventful.

We arrived home and Natalie had fallen asleep in the Uber is I gently shook her awake and told her we had arrived. I then helped her carry all the bags in to my room. She didn't even bother to ask if she could sleep in y room or take her shoes off even, she just fell on the bed and was instantly knocked out. I smiled to myself and took a picture and put it on my story. I captioned it, she fell asleep and now I don't have a place to sleep. This way it would be a little more believable. I then proceeded to take her shoes off and tuck her in the sheets. I put both of our bags int he closet so they were out of the way but I hadn't bothered to unpack them. Eventually I fell asleep next to her but not before placing a kiss on top of her head.

Nat's POV:

I woke up today feeling much better than yesterday thankfully. I was a little out of place at first but then I slowly realised that I was in David's room. I felt content in that moment just watching him sleep peacefully. I love how comfortable it felt to wake up with him. I soon realised that we were back to our normal routine which men that I needed to be up before Taylor got here and get back to my emails.

I was halfway through eating my breakfast when I heard Taylor come in and I greeted her. We caught up on the long weekend and eventually we both got back to work. At 10.00 I woke David up because he had a couple of meetings. I felt a little weird waking him up because I would normally just text him to make sure he was up, but now that we were together I decided to change things up and went over to him and hissed him on the cheek. He smiled and said "good morning" and i said it back.

"Hey, dave, you have a couple of meetings in half an hour coming to the house"

"Okey. eh, one more thing, I like the way you woke me up today"

"I'll take note to do it everyday" I said and left to get back to work. By the time the meeting had started, the house was back in full swing. A couple of the group were filming things all round the house, David and I were in the meeting while Taylor was out running some errands for the Bit David had planned later on. I loved the energy of the house on days like this.

As soon as the meetings were over, I asked David "hey, where did you put my suitcase last night, I can't find it. I was going to pt all of our clothes to wash."

"Oh yeah, I put them both in my closet so they were out of the way. But um, come with me one sec" she said as he took my hand and pulled me over to his room

"what's up?"

"Well, I've been thinking what our next step is and although I din't want us to move too fast, but I was thinking, you and I already live together so... How about we start slow and slowly move your things in to my room? I mean you already sleep here every night soo...?"

"wow, calm down" I said chuckling.

"I know I'm just nervous because I've never done this with anyone, I mean you know Liza and I never moved in together..."

"Dave, you're doing it again..."

"I know I'm sorry. So, will you?"

"Of course" I said with a huge smile kissing me. "Okey, so how about we start with one drawer and the bedside table which is pretty much already mine?" I ask

"That sounds great. Also, from now on its 'our room' not just mine".

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