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Authors Note: this chapter/page will just be writing. Sorry but this is a important part in the story. I'm sorry for doing this.

It was night in Avonlea, Anne was sitting in a sofa chair reading against the fire light. She heard a knock at the door. Anne sighed and put her book down and got up to get the door.

Anne opened it to find Gilbert Blythe standing in the door way.

"Gilbert? What are you doing here?" Anne said quickly.

" I..., I uh," Gilbert tried. He took a deep breath. " I need somewhere to sleep tonight. Bash and I got into a fight. I didn't know where else to go."

" Oh, okay. Come on in." Anne said opening the door wider to let him in.

He hung his jacket in the closet and took off his baseball cap. His curly hair bounced, which was beautiful to watch.

"Are you hungry?" Anne asked politely. Anne grabbed some blankets from the basket. She then put them put on the couch.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to sleep on the couch." Anne said grabbing a pillow. She finally looked up to find he was staring at her, he had a small smile too.

"Is there something on my face." Anne said touching her pale, freckled face.

" I am a little hungry, I'm perfectly fine with the couch, and there's nothing on your face." He said smiling. Anne's faces flushed pink.

" I'll go see if Matthew has any extra clothes." She said walking away quickly. Gilbert put the blanket on the couch, and sat down with his hands in his lap.

When Anne returned with a t-shirt and some old basketball shorts, she found Gilbert reading the book she was reading.

" Don't lose my spot!" Anne said opening the pantry to grab crackers. She also grabbed an apple for herself. " Here you are."

"Thank you. Thank you for everything. Letting me stay here and letting me read your book." Gilbert thanked Anne. She laughed and sat down next to him.

She's sitting next to me!! Close to me!! Gilbert thought. He smiled and looked at her out of the corner of his eye. Her blue, blue eyes gleamed from the moon outside. She had a faint smile, as she read over his shoulder.

"Gilbert, anytime. If you need anything let me know. I'm always here for you." Anne said looking a the boy. He looked at her and leaned forward. Anne did the same. Their eyes fluttered close. Each of their hearts beating in sync.

Knock Knock!

Anne gasped her face red from embarrassment. She quickly got up to grab the door. Gilbert disappointed, he wanted that kiss.

" Did you bring someone else." Anne smirked. He was in awe, they almost kissed.

Knock Knock!

Anne pulled open the door to find a, scared blond haired girl. With face wet with tears, Ruby stood in the doorway. Her clothes ripped and arms black and blue. Her sad face was bruised and red from crying. She was shivering or shaking, Anne didn't know which. Ruby looked her died in the eye and gave a small smile.

" Ruby? Is everything alright?" Anne asked worried for her ex-best friend. Ruby was shaking with tears.

" Oh Anne, you were right...


I'm so sorry I had to. I had no idea what to do. Next chapter/ page will be up soon. Ruby lovers I'm real sorry for this.

Have a good day or night.


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