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Liked by i.am.very.moody and 189 others
cole.draws: we miss you Di!!! I hope you're having fun in Charlotte town!!

di.berry: I miss you guys too😭 Charlotte is borriinngg

anne.shirley.cuthbert: Cole that's beautiful!! And Diana we miss you!!

i.am.very.moody: cole! Draw me next!

love.ruby: can I have a request? Draw a horse please 🙏

gil.bert: Anne looks great in that!

charlieee: way to be obvious Gil ^

josie.pie: Diana we miss you!!

janey_: amazing cole!

xoxo_tills: pretty!



 Liked by charlieee and 532 others josie

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Liked by charlieee and 532 others
josie.pie: Diana comeeeee backkkkkkk 😫

janey_: weeeee miisssss yooouuuuu!!

di.berry: I miss you guys more!!!!

anne.shirley.cuthbert: ahhhh dddiii!!

the.french.farmer: Josie looks like she's going to start laughing

gil.bert: the red head looks hot 🥵

i.am.very.moody: smooth gilly^

charlieee: Jane is hot 🥵

xoxo_tills: CHANE ^^ new ship

anne.shirley.cuthbert: Chane!!!

janey_: hmmmm


Josie🛍 created a group chat with Anne🥕, Cole🌈Diana🦋, Moody🪕, Ruby🎀, Tillie🌿, Gilbert🚞 and Jerry👨🏽‍🌾


Tillie🌿: this needs to happen!!!

Anne🥕: yes please!

Cole🌈: YASS

Gilbert🚞: Charlie never stops talking about Jane

Moody🪕: never stops!

Ruby🎀: we need to get them together!

Josie🛍: Party!!!!

Jerry👨🏽‍🌾: love a good party with josie😏

Diana🦋: Jorry!?!?!?

Josie🛍: no

Tillie🌿: back to CHANE

Anne🥕: who's house?

Gilbert🚞: we could do it at mine

Ruby🎀: sure Gilbert 😁😏😊

Moody🪕: How are we going to get them their? There is no reason

Jerry👨🏽‍🌾: a diana home coming party!!

Diana🦋: perfect!!

Cole🌈: soo Thursday at Gilbert's house at around 6:30?

Tillie🌿: yay that works!

Anne🥕: this is so exhilarating!

Gilbert🚞: ok that works!

Moody🪕: I'll be the DJ!

Ruby🎀: no moody! But I'm so excited!

Jerry👨🏽‍🌾: gilly boy you text Charlie

Josie🛍: I'll text Jane!

Diana🦋: I might come a little late...

Gilbert🚞: that's fine Diana

Anne🥕: it's a plan!!

Gilbert🚞 text to Charlie🥚

Gilbert🚞: party at my house on Thursday. It's a surprise for Di. You in?

Charlie🥚: hell yeah im in!! Will Jane be their?

Gilbert🚞:Idk just be there

Charlie🥚: ok

Josie🛍 text to Jane🐥

Josie🛍: there is going to be a party at Gilbert's house on Thursday for Di. Are you gonna come?

Jane🐥: do you know if Charlie will be there?

Josie🛍: probably

Jane🐥: kk I'll be there


Sorry that was so bad🤦🏻‍♀️ have a great day!!! Byeeeeee!!

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