Chapter 4

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  The Rangers made good time using the rangers pacing.

  On the road, Terrin told Will and Gilan about what the bartender said. "But what I can't figure out is why Corek would go to Redmont."

  "We don't know for sure he is going to Redmont, do we? I mean, he just said 'Redmont', but that doesn't mean he is going there." Will replied.

  Gilan took out a map from his saddlebag and studied  it. "True, but that is the direction he is heading. Huh, if you and Halt would have waited a little longer, he would have come to you and we wouldn't have to have made this trek."

  Will looked inquiringly at his mentor. "What do you think about all of this, Halt? You've been quiet, even for you."

  Halt glanced at Will, "'He took him from me'" Halt said quietly

  "What?" Will said in utter bewilderment.

  "'He is going to pay', that is what Corek was muttering. Corek isn't trying to run and hide. He wants revenge. Corek is a cold-hearted assassin, he cares for nothing... Except for his son." Halt closed his eyes. "And I'm the one who killed him."

  Will's eyes widened in horror, "What?!! Why?"

  Terrin looked suprised at that. Only Gilan looked unfazed by the startling news.

  "Don't get the wrong picture, Will. He wasn't a child, he was a full grown man. And he was as much as a killer as his father." Halt sighed, "I suppose I'm going to have to tell you the story or I'll be peppered with questions all day... This happened eight years ago, while Gilan was still my apprentice. Gilan, Grendell, a ranger that is now retired, and I finally tracked Drayvon and his son, Drinn, down and were preparing to take them to Castle Araluen, but we made the mistake of underestimating the son. As we were distracted by Drayvon, his son got hold of his hidden weapon that we had missed. He sliced through the ropes on his hands; freeing himself. He didn't try to escape, he knew that it was pointless. So I guess he thought to take one of us down with him. That someone was Gilan."

  Gilan nodded and Will looked at him, suprised. "I remember it clearly, this was my first major mission. I was excited and at that time, careless. I was supposed to be watching Drinn while Halt and Grendell took care of Drayvon, but I didn't think he would get loose and wasn't watching him closely." Gilan clenched his jaw, "Like Halt said, Drinn grabbed his hidden knife and cut through his bonds, then he aimed for me and was about to loose the blade."

  Halt cut in, "I just barely saw what Drinn was doing. I didn't even think, I took out my bow and shot him... It didn't kill him immediately, but the blood loss was too much and he soon died." Halt looked at them all. "So you see? I'm the one who took his son from him and now he wants to kill me for it."

  There was a dreadful silence. Then Terrin broke it. "Well, we can use that to our advantage. He wants you, then you can be bait."

  Halt glared at him.

"What? While he is too busy trying to kill you. We can flank him. It's a good plan. Isn't that right, Whinnifer?" said Terrin as he affectionately patted his horse.

  Whinnifer stayed silent, then shook her mane.

  Terrin's eyes widened in mock hurt,"Oh, Whinni you wound me!"
Whinnifer snorted.

  "I agree with Whinnifer." said Halt "Corek does not just go in blindly. He sets up a hidden, temporary base and scouts out a few days and spies on his target. He finds out their schedule, when they are going to be where, how long they are going to be there, and how crowded those places are and if they are guarded or not. If you looked closer at the map then you would see that his course isn't straight for Redmont, it is in the direction of Forest Land. It's not far from Redmont and very secluded, a perfect temporary hideout."

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