Chapter Two

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Will and Halt met up with Gilan half way to Castle Araluen at the town of Greenway.
   They got the usual suspicious stares as they trotted along the gravel road.

   When they reached an inn named The Graceful Swan, they gave their horses to a stable hand. Normally, they would have taken care of their ponies themselves, but they needed to be at Castle Araluen as quickly as possible. They then stepped through the threshold.

   Will looked around the room. To his right there was the counter with cups stacked along the wall behind it.
    He could see an older man behind the counter, cleaning and polishing the dining ware.
    Scattered around the room, dark wooden chairs and tables with chips and stains on them, sit on the old oak floor.

    To Will's left, a hearth with a welcoming fire is standing against the back wall.

    Customers was happily eating, drinking, and sharing the daily gossip, completely unaware of the cloaked new comers.

    Finally, Will saw at the far right corner and hidden in the shadows, a watchful figure sitting back against the wall. A bow and quiver lay next to him, positioned in a way that allowed the man to easily have the bow in hand and arrow on the string in nearly an instant.

     If Will wasn't looking for him, he knew his eyes would look right past him without a second glance.
   Halt was already striding over to him.
     Gilan stood up and grinned. "It's about time you two showed up, I was beginning to think you already found the man, strung him up and dragged him back to the castle."

    Will grinned back. "Hey Gilan! It's been a while."

    Gilan clapped his hand on Will's shoulder. "Indeed it has, my young friend. Has Halt been treating you okay? Any grueling training activities lately?"

   "Oh, you know Halt. Always working his poor apprentice to the bone."

    "Yep, that sounds like Halt. Glad to hear he hasn't changed at all."

    Halt glowered at his former and current apprentices. "You know I can hear you."

    Gilan and Will grinned identically. "We know."

    Halt huffed and walked to the counter, muttering about how in the good old days apprentices used to pay their masters due respect. 

    But Will wasn't fooled, he could see the twinkle in Halt's eyes. He knew Halt missed Gilan as much as he did and was glad to see him again.

   Will settled in a chair next to Gilan.
"So how is things in Norgate?"

   "Well, it's very quiet at the moment, I haven't had a real mission in a while. This is the first one in months."

   "So do you know much about the assassin? I asked Halt, but he just said he would explain everything when we meet up with you."

   "I do know a little about Drayvon. Actually, I was apprenticed to Halt and went on the mission with him when Drayvon was first captured."

   That was one answer that Will was not expecting. "So Halt was the one to put Drayvon away?"

   "Him and a few other Rangers." He replied as he rested his elbows on the table, laced his fingers, and laid his chin on top in a comfortable position.

   Just then, Halt came back with two steaming cup of coffees. He placed one of the mugs in front of Will then sat down next to him and started to nurse his drink. "So what have I missed?"

   "Gilan was just telling me that you and Drayvon have a history."

   Halt nodded. "Yes, but it isn't much of a history. He was just another criminal that we put behind bars."

   Gilan asked, "So what is the plan, Halt?"

   Halt put down his coffee. "In a few minutes, we are going to leave for Castle Araluen. Terrin is already there, trying to track the assassin, but I hear he isn't having much luck. Corek was always exceptional at covering his tracks. I suppose that is what made him such a great assassin. When we get there, we pick up his trail and track him down. Hopefully Corek is a bit rusty on his skills and is easier to find him, but I wouldn't count on it."

   Gilan nodded. "Well I am ready. The horses are rested enough. And I want to get there as soon as possible. Don't want the trail to get too cold."

  "Agreed," Halt said, "We've wasted enough time already."

  The three Rangers got up, moved out through the door, mounted their horses and continued their travel toward Castle Araluen.




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