DC Super Hero Boys part 1

Começar do início

Kara: Wait a second... [gasps]

[all gasp]

Jessica: Green Lantern!

Hal: Green Lantern?

Jessica: What are you doing here?

Karen: And why do you have the same name as her?

Hal: Uh... it's like, super complicated.

Zee: Hold on. You know these ruffians?

Jessica: I know that ruffian. But I had no idea he belonged to a vicious gang of vandals.

Hal: Ha! We're not a vicious gang of vandals. We're a vicious gang... of heroes. Green Lantern!

Barry: The Flash.

Oliver: Green Arrow.

Carter: [squawks] Hawkman. [squawks]

Hal: Super Hero Girls and Alien boy, meet the--

Garth: And Aqualad.

Barry: Oh, um, hey, Aqualad. Maybe a couple beats faster next time, okay?

Oliver: This is why rehearsal matters.

Hal: Super Hero Girls and Alien boy, meet Da Invincabros.

All: Yo bros!

Kara: So... you're the Super Hero Boys.

Hal: No, Da Invincabros.

Yo bros!

Hal: And we just caught you taggers red-handed.

Diana: Deceiver. It was we who subdued you!

Hal: Us? We're not the taggers, we're investigating the taggers. [scoffs] Sheesh, what's up with your friend, Jessica?

Jessica: Ah! Ix-nay on the ame-nay, Al-hay...

Garth: Wait a minute... Jessica... Cruz? From school?

Jessica:Well, it was a real nice secret identity while it lasted. Thanks a lot... Hal!

Babs: [gasping] Hal Jordan? The dumb jock?

Hal: That's me.

Zee: [gasping] It is you.

Oliver: Oh, don't be so bland and overly dramatic. [gasps] Wait. Bland and overly dramatic? Zee Zatara! My onstage nemesis.

Zee: And you are?

Oliver: Behold! It is I.

Zee: Uh... yeah, I don't, uh, should I know?

DC Super Hero Girls X Ben 10Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora