A Blossoming Beginning

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April 23rd, 2:34 pm

The sun was shining down as the smell of fresh flowers filled the air. Clouds were sprinkled here and there, providing a bit of chilliness. Spring was in full swing around this time, birds were singing, flowers blooming, on days like this, kids young and old, were playing around with no care in the world. Station Square had a Cherry Blossom tree everywhere you walked, with its delicate petals flying everywhere with its grace.

"HA-CHOO!!" Oh yeah, and also pollen, lots of it.

Sonic The Hedgehog and his best friend Miles "Tails" Prower were walking down the streets of Station Square with a bunch of mechanical parts in hand. Tails was planning to build something in honor of the season, he didn't know exactly what he was building, but either way, he did need more tools. Sonic insisted on helping out because he figured the young fox could use it. However, he kind of forgot about one tiny detail....

"AT-CHOO!" Sonic sneezed hard into his elbow. "Gesundheit!" Tails replied, looking up at his best friend. The hedgehog's face was flushed pink and his eyes had a tint of red to them along with bags. At best, he looked a mess, at worst, he looked like a walking disease. Though, he still put on his signature smirk.

"Thanks bud," He said quietly, his voice was half gone at this point.

Tails frowned then turned towards his allergic friend. "Sonic, are you sure you're okay?" He raised a brow. Sonic nodded slightly, "S'course" he sniffed before belching out a series of coughs. Tails scratched his head before taking the pack of large pipes from Sonic and stumbling back a little. "Don't worry,  non-existent voice would let him. Tails shook his head, "Sonic, you're obviously sick from all the pollen, you should go home and lie down!" He pleaded. Sonic grabbed the pipes from Tails, though not fully taking it from him.

"That's boring! I don't have time for stuff like that!" Sonic scoffed (To the best of his ability.) and tried taking away the pipes. Tails held a strong grip against Sonic's weakened state, which sent him stumbling back into a mysterious figure and falling onto the ground.

Tails flinched as he witnessed the fall and sat the pipes down. "Sonic!!" He said, rushing to his best friends side. Sonic groaned as he slowly rose off of the person he fell on. He looked up to find himself lying in their lap.

"Seems you've taken quite the tumble Blue,"

Sonic slowly realized who he ran into and quickly got off the stranger. "Oh, Hey Rouge!" Tails greeted before helping Sonic up.

Rouge slowly rose to her feet as she dusted herself off. She wore a black spandex with a torso heart piece, a dark green jacket with a fluffy hood and thigh high white boots with hearts at the bottom. The bat also wore some lip stick and light blue eyeshadow to match her turquoise eyes. Rouge was always known for looking her best at all times, and for her spunky attitude. Sonic felt his mouth go dry.

The two had interacted in the past, but most of the time, it was from afar. If they did manage to get close and personal, it was always professional. Rumors always had it, that Rouge was a very beautiful woman that could get anyone to fall for her. Sonic looked at the ground quietly, "My bad.." He managed to say.

The bat immediately went over to him, cupping his face in her hands, "Oh shoot, you sound awful! You doin alright~?" She tilted her head as she spoke. Sonic flushed red before backing up a little and holding a thumbs up. "Don't worry bout' it," He tried to brush it off. Rouge shook her head slightly. "No seriously, you sound like you're dying, hon!" Sonic swallowed hard. Rouge looked towards Tails, "I know a Cafe not too far from here, You guys wanna join? Blue here seems like he need a cup of tea or two." Tails looked towards Sonic, who was not only red from his weakened state but now by his blush. He didn't seem to notice. "Sure! Why not?" Sonic tensed slightly before complying. "Fine. Fine"


The Cafe was had a pretty warm feeling to it, despite it being mildly hot outside. It was a comfy looking place and the scent of coffee lingered in the air. The three mobians sat by a window in the back. Tails ordered a cup of Apple Juice and a blueberry muffin, Rouge had a small latte and a cheese danish, and for a while, Sonic refused to have anything, due to Rouge paying, but eventually got a cup of Green Tea. Truthfully, Sonic didn't really like tea. He felt like it didn't have a taste and therefore it was a 'Boring Drink' like water. But since the bat girl insisted, He decided to get it anyway.

"So, it's been a while, what's been happening?" Rouge asked in her low voice. Tails bit into his muffin, "Nothing much, we were just picking up some supplies for a machine I'm building."  Rouge nodded slightly before turning towards Sonic, "What happened to you?"

Sonic simply sat there, sitting and staring at the table. He avoided Rouge's gaze as he spoke, "Weather's nice...weathers nice.." Rouge raised and eyebrow before giggling a little. "I asked how you were doing silly~" She tapped his forehead gently to get his attention. Sonic looked up at her, "Wh-what?" He struggled to say before blushing a little. "U-uh..." The hedgehog hesitated, "I'm allergic.." The bat nodded her head, "I see," She reached in her bag that she carried around. "You want some sugar in that tea?"

Sonic looked up at her,"Sugar?" Rouge pulled out a pack of sugar and sat it in front of his cup. Sonic looked at it for a moment before tearing it open and pouring it into his tea. He took a sip, it wasn't too sweet, but it did have a bit more flavor now. The hedgehog looked up at her, "Thanks! That really-" he started coughing. Both Tails and Rouge eyed him. "You might need to lie down.." The bat girl spoke while handing him a cough drop.

Sonic frowned ,"I don't have time for stuff like that." He said, more gentle than before. Tails rolled his eyes, "He won't listen."  Rouge laughed slightly, "Of course he wouldn't," Sonic flushed pink before lying his head down on the table. "Aw, don't be ashamed~!" She said before ruffling his quills a little. Sonic stayed quiet, biting his lower lip. Suddenly Rouge's watch vibrated. She tapped it twice to reveal a low voice speaking.

"Agent Rouge, Do you copy?"

Rouge rose her wrist towards her face. "This is Agent Rouge. Over."

"Report to the G.U.N. Headquarters immediately. There's important business to attend to."

"On my way." Rouge gathered her things and started to walk away. "Sorry to cut our little reunion short, but I got stuff to do." She waved a gand before heading out the door, "Get better soon, blue. Ciao~!" She said before blowing a kiss and leaving.

Sonic felt his face heat up. Tails looked towards him and snickered. "Hm? You okay 'Blue'," he joked.

"Shut up."

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