Welcome to the Falls, kid...

Magsimula sa umpisa

But, he wasn't, so I had to just lump it and get on with it, Gleeful style. That included swearing blind at the bags for being so heavy, even though it was me who didn't want to be helped to carry them in the first place; stamping the floor in a rage whenever the bags got stuck and finally, resorting to just screaming for someone to help me.

That help arrived in the form of Gideon, the local brat. I sigh as I see him wonder through the forest, oh, him again. He's got his nose planted in his stupid journal, he looks up when he hears my screaming. He looks up and walks over to me, "Hey, are you the new girl? I saw you here last time. I just saw you- and- and I thought I'd see what was up, because you were screaming and-"

"Shut up! Just take my bags... please." I try not to upset him too much, this was the kid who was going to carry my bags after all and I also decide not to be too cruel because well... I may need to use him in the future, so it's best to stay on... suitable, let's say, terms with him, for now at least, and so I pick up two of the bags, and leave him to pick up the other two.

He looks at me a little strangely, but shrugs and goes to pick up my bags. He doesn't even complain about the weight, he just smiles shyly and walks with me to the mansion. Five minutes later, I arrive at the mansion. I walk up the steps and kindly tell Gideon "thanks, but... piss off now." He just shrugs again, mumbles a quiet, "You're welcome, Miss." And walks off again, with his face knee-deep in his journal. I look at the huge door in front of me, "Is it worth knocking? No, they'll never hear you. You should ring the bell instead. That way, they'd know it was you."

I click my fingers, and a blue light appears around them. Just inside the door, a small gold bell rings, I hear a clatter as someone runs down the stairs to answer it. I hear a thud, as someone, probably Will, gets pushed out of the way. I can hear the many latches unlock, and the door opens ajar. A tired face pops out, it's Mason. He sees me and opens the door for me to come in. I go to pick up my bags, but Mason looks at me again, and frowns. "No. Leave it, go in. WILLIAM!" he screams. Will scrambles to get up and runs past me, picking up my bags and following me inside. Once inside, I look around for a second. Nope, still the same old place.

1st person POV

My eyes scanned the room, until they brought me back to Mason. "Good evening, dear Mary..." he said, looking stone-faced. I tried to keep up the same expression, but eventually, I broke out into a smile, "Oh, shut up!" I said, laughing.

"Alright, alright," he said, starting to laugh, "Hi Nyx, how are ya?" he said, hugging me. 

"I'm fine, just a little tired. Thanks anyway." We ended our hug by staring at each other blankly, it was our signature hug, though, I will admit, minus the giggles and laughter during the actual hug. He broke the silence afterwards,

"So, welcome to the Falls kid, for real this time. I guess you're finally old enough to join our little show, huh?" He ruffled my hair, I groaned in annoyance, not the hair, Mason, not the hair!

"Yeah, I guess so. I begged you to join a bajillion years ago, but you wouldn't let me."

"I know, I know. But at that time, you hadn't even mastered your first spell."

"And? I would've been fine, Mason."

"Hmm. I beg to differ. It's not all it's cracked up to be, it's not all fakery , and deceptions, we have to use real magic too, otherwise people wouldn't come to us, you know that. Plus, it was too dangerous for you at the time. I mean, sure you're older now, but I'm still not gonna let ya just wander around wherever the hell you want, it's a dangerous place, the Falls, and you could get lost easily if you're not careful, so that's why I'm going to give you this."

Sixty Degrees Come In Threes (Reverse Falls)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon