SunnyFlight VS StarSpeaker

473 7 58


Rating: 9/10

Thoughts: I really ship Sunnyflight. I was devastated when Sunny said she didn't love him the way he loved her.  At the same time I'm sort of angry at Sunny though, even though I know only too well you can't control how you feel about someone. Actually, correction, I'm mad at Tui. That's TWO of my ship triangles that went the wrong way. Sunnyflight and Winterwatcher. So yes, I'm sort of pissed. No hate on any Starspeaker fans though:)


Rating: 1/10

Thoughts: I just . . . can't bring myself to ship it very much. 

But I'm not hating on Fatespeaker or anything.

It's just . . . my ship sank just before it reached the harbor, and ships are one third of the reason I stay alive so . . . I'm sad

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