I // The First Day of Black Mayhem

Start from the beginning

"Arrogant toerag," I muttered.

"-so I told Padfoot here that if he got you to kiss him I'd give him thirty galleons."

"Thirty galleons!"

Potter shrugged. "Yep, thirty. But of course he wasn't able to do it, so... no one gets any money. More's the pity."

"Yeah," Black whined. "And I was going to give you half for your participation!"

Now I had two people to glower at and it wasn't even 11 o'clock yet! Speaking of 11 o'clock, I hadn't loaded my belongings yet and that meant I had to yank my trunk over to the accommodating trunk lifter and hop onto the Express.

I stared at them for a bit as I tried to collect my thoughts from the tangled mush pit of despair they had sunken into.

"Well?" Black inquired.

"Don't ever suggest that again, to my face, thank you. I'm not afraid to cross wands with you."

"You want me to take out my wand?" He asked, looking surprisingly happy for someone who had just lost the opportunity to win 30 galleons.

"I would love it if you took out your wand, Black, but now is not the time. I need to get on the train. You can stay here and do whatever you want with your wand if you'd like."

Black grinned. "Probably for the best. Might not be the most appropriate thing to do right now with all these firsties around. Rain check?"

I glared at him and turned my back. I saw Potter give him a high five out of the corner of my eye.

The train was delightfully half-empty when I hopped on. The first years were all still wandering hopelessly around the platform, and the second and third years still hadn't received the get-on-the-train-earlyish-to-get-good-seats memo. The fourth years and fifth years had taken up some of the compartments, and the sixth years were standing around gossiping outside their chosen compartments, leaving the sevenths years to get on the train hopefully before all the good compartments were taken.

My yearly compartment was the third one from the back, and luckily was still empty after I kicked out some atrociously behaving fourth years with the threat of removing house points (the wonders of being a prefect). It was barely 10:50, so of course Lottie wasn't here yet. Her punctuality resembled the remains of a three-hundred year old leaf that had crumbled away 299 years ago (that is to say, non-existent).

Lily is the more punctual of the three of us, and knowing her, was already in the Prefects compartment, being Head Girl and all. Now that I mention it - I should probably be there (I know, shocker), but I have to wait until that ruddy friend of mine appears so she can take control of this compartment!

Well speak of the devil, here she is now.


September 1, 1977

The Hogwarts Express


I have discovered some things.

Interesting and unfortunate things.

Things that I will proceed to document.

After Lottie blustered into the compartment, hair sticking up all over the place like an electrocuted chihuahua, I was successfully able to enter the prefects compartment.

Guess who was blooming Head Boy?

James bloody Potter.

That absolute twunt head was Head Boy.

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