Lovely Little Valentine (FM x DK) (Fluff)

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A/N: Happy Valentines Day and New Empire Vol. 1 hope you guys had an awesome Valentine's Day, or at least one that was better than mine cause I was lonely ;^;

Dylan's p.o.v

I rolled over in bed and felt the side Matt was usually on was empty, slowly I sat up and rubbed my eyes. As I adjusted to the light around my shared bathroom I realized there was a certain smell in the air, as I began to question it I realized it was...chocolate? Then I realized today was Valentines Day and I completely forgot.

I hopped out of bed and followed the smell of chocolate and cake to the kitchen, I smiled seeing Matty looking adorable in his pink heart apron. He never wore it around me, saying that he looks embarrassing in it, but I honestly couldn't help but mentally aww at him. He noticed me and was instantly flustered, throwing off the apron and turning around to focus his attention on getting the frosting right on those little cupcakes of his.

"Don't try to play it off, I saw you in that apron." I cooed in his ear and wrapping my arms around his waist "I-I didn't want you to see it on me..I look horrible in it." He mumbled fumbling with with the chocolate roses beside him. "You don't look horrible in anything, and if I'm being honest, you looked adorable in it." I said and he turned around with a small smile "really?" He asked with those big adorable eyes and I kissed him and pulled away "really." There was a moment between us, just looking into those eyes of his made me feel all tingly inside.

Suddenly Matty broke the silence, grinning with a look of happiness he turned back to the cookie batter "Now c'mere and help me with these pastries, we never really get to bond like this to much.." He said and I gladly nodded, grabbing both heart and bird shaped cookie cutters and working away.

~A while of baking later~

Matt's p.o.v

I washed my hands and changed out my batter and frosting soiled clothes, along with Dylan who had gotten flour thrown at him at him by me, resulting it me also getting thrown at me, but luckily not in my hair. I walked back into the living room with more comfortable and clean clothes I noticed Dylan already flicking through the channels to find the perfect romance movie just for the two of us, with a huge bowl and and table in front if him, full of all our pastries.

I had brought out our soft comforter so we could cuddle, but now was starting to have second thoughts. Dylan looked over to me and tilted his head, "You ok?" He asked offering a cookie, and I smirked and accepted the pink frosted cookie, shaking away all my worries. Dylan pat the spot next to him on the couch and I crawled onto it, wrapping the comforter around us both and settling to watch one of my favorite films while being held in Dylan's arms.

I smiled and hugged Dylan closer, with him doing the same to me, while also resting his head on the top of mine. "I know I don't say this too often, but I love you, I love you more than anything, and I hope you know that." Dylan said kissing me on the cheek and I just handed him the card I forgot I was holding and kissed him back. The card read these words, and I couldn't have been prouder to write them:

I'm so glad to have you as a soul mate, a person whose always by my side, someone I can trust, someone I can love like no other. Someone I can call, my lovely little valentine.

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