Coming Out (TP x DM)

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(A/N): Requested by: goldie19872019

Danny's p.o.v

"We've been keeping this secret for a couple of years, I think I'm ready to come out." I confessed to Aron while he took a sip of his coffee, "I don't know Dan, last time I talked to them it was through that whole, well 'incident'." He said nervously while I checked the time on my phone. "Well I mean, we can't keep this secret forever, it'll eventually get out once we start touring together again." I said, sipping my latte then immediately putting it back down after realizing it was a bit too hot for my liking, "Ok fine we'll do it, but when do you want to do it? Also when are we touring together again?" He asked worriedly and throwing away his empty coffee cup in the nearest trash.

"For the answer to your first question, we're doing it tomorrow, for your second question, we're touring together in about...a month." I responded finally drinking my latte at the right temperature, "You're sure about this?" He asked putting his hands in mine and looking in my eyes, I nodded "Yes, I'm sure." I say and he pecks me on the forehead. "Alright, if you're ok and sure about it, then I am too." He said with a smile, just then I got a text from Jordan,

Charlie: where are you?
Dannyboi: nowhere of your concern
Charlie: fine, but we're going to the bar, u coming?
Dannyboi: pass
Charlie: fine see ya tomorrow.
Dannyboi: Cya.

"What did Jordan say?" He asked tilting his head, "He asked where I was and asked if I wanted to go to the bar, I told him no and I'll see him tomorrow." I answered with a reassuring smile, to let him know that everything is going to be ok.

"You ready to leave? We've been here for about an hour and it'll get colder as it gets darker if we don't leave now." Aron said standing up and putting on his jacket,  "yeah, just a second." I replied taking one last sip of my latte and throwing it in the trash. We walked out the caffe and over to Aron's car, in which he immediately turned on the heater as it was almost as cold a damn freezer in there.

Once we reached my house I decided to change, noticing Aron staring at me through the doorway, I smirked and winked, he blushed and went in the kitchen to eat something. I finished changing and decided to go sneak up on Aron and scare him, "Boo!" I shouted attempting to scare him, but it failed, "Ah, I'm so scared." He said sarcastically waving his hands and rolling his eyes with a smile.

I kissed him on the nose, "You're adorable when you're sarcastic Y'know." I said hugging him and putting my head on his shoulder "You're adorable always." He replied with a tired yawn "Now c'mon, I'm tired and about to doze off in your arms." He said breaking out of our hug and and walking into the bedroom to change and sleep, with me following behind him.

Once we in the bed fully changed, Aron kissed me on the forehead "Goodnight love." He said, but I didn't respond, for I was already dozing off.

~The next day~

Aron sighed as he sat in the passenger seat of my car "I'm s-still a bit u-unsure about this." He stammered, fiddling with some in his hands "Look it'll be ok, I promise, I've already notified the guys that I'm coming over to Jordan's and that they shouldn't be angry with what I'm going to tell them. Calm down, trust me on this one." I said taking his hands in mine and looking into his beautiful eyes, "I-I guess you're right."He said and I smiled reassuringly.

As we were nearing Jordan's house, I began to get a little nervous myself with a little knot in my stomach, but I sighed and smiled everything's gonna be ok I told myself and parked my car right outside his house. We got out and I held Aron's hand and walked up to the porch, I knocked and Jordan opened the door with a smile "Hey Dannyboy, come in!" He said moving out the way and letting me and Aron in, although I noticed the confusion on his face when he noticed me and Aron's hands locked together.

I noticed Jorel was asleep and Dylan looked the slightest bit high, and George seemed like he had a little bit of a bad day, and Matt seemed as if he'd rather be home, which makes sense since I called them all over to Jordan's house at 7AM. Dylan hit Jorel's arm when he noticed me and my boyfriend enter the room "Huh? What happened?" He asked groggily, looking around the room and adjusting his eyes to the sudden light, then waving when he noticed me with Aron suddenly cowering behind me.

"I have a confession.." I started off, linking me and Aron's hands "I'm gay for Aron." I stated proudly and at first there was a moment of silence, then George spoke up "I figured." He said catching me bye surprise "W-Wait what?"
Aron asked, sounding just as surprised as me, "Yeah it was kinda obvious, plus we looked in your phone at one point and said 'when he's ready to come out we'll confess.'" George continued and laughed as he heard Aron's sigh of relief, but then I realized it wasn't relief when he mumbled "Here goes nothing."

Aron got down on one knee, "Danny you are the sweetest and most beautiful thing on this planet, I'd be wrong to hate you for an old grudge and to dislike any of your flaws, frankly because you don't have any, but ever since we met I never got my mind off you and though we've had our differences and disagreements, my love for you has always stayed the same, so Danny will you promise me that you will always be there for me, through thick and thin, and make me the happiest person in the universe and...marry me?" He said and I couldn't help but sob and rapidly nod my head as the guys whoop and clap.

He slipped the ring on my finger and hugged me while I cried and cried and kept repeating the word I love you, but then took my chin, silenced my cries of joy and said these words:

"Now our lovely souls can be locked together by heart."

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