Chapter 3

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          9:47 am, Tuesday, August 10, 1965

                       I had been with the Pines family for a few weeks. I was given their guest room so I didn't take the boys' bed. I sat on my bed and read a book about plants that Ford had let me borrow. 'I miss them.' I thought. The boys had gone for their first day of 4th grade today. I put down my book. Mrs. and Mr. Pines had gone out, too. I got up and walked around my room.  I looked in the small full length mirror I had in the corner. I looked at myself and sighed. I was wearing Ford's clothes again, as he was a bit smaller than Stanley, and they fit a little better.

                   I liked wearing his clothes for some reason. I wasn't sure why. Today I had on a plain red shirt. Ford's mother said it was cute, me wearing his clothes. I grew cold, as there was a draft in the guest room. The guest room was situated right next to the twins' room. I walked out of the room and peered down the hall, wondering what to do. I decide to go clean, as a surprise for Mrs. Pines. 'I'll clean Ford and Stan's room first.'  I saunter into their room and survey the clutter that was their floor. 

                  Toys and clothing littered the floor like people littered the sidewalk out the window. I began to pick up their clothes, toys, and paper that spread across the floor. As I stacked papers on Ford's desk,  skimmed over the contents of the pages. Most of it was writing and homework, but a few papers were drawings. One particular drawing caught my eye. It looked Stan and Ford had worked together to draw it. It was a picture of the twins, on a sailboat in the ocean. The boys were treasure hunting, by the looks of it. The picture looked to been have drawn years ago, but there was a fairly new addition. It seemed like Ford had drawn me next to them. I can tell it was Ford, because Stan's drawing style was a bit messier. I smiled and stacked the rest of the paper. 

             I eventually finished cleaning the twin's room. I checked the clock and it said 1:30.....I was a bit tired. I sat down on Ford's bed. My friends told me they would be home at 3:00. I had time to rest before they came home. I lied down and stared at the bottom of Stan's bunk, deep in thought. I began to get a little dreary, so I rolled over. Ford's pillow smelled nice, like him. I curled around his pillow, treasuring the scent. 

             I awoke to a loud click. I rubbed my eyes and rolled over to face the noise, and came face to face with Mrs. Pines and a camera lens. She giggled. "Have a nice nap, Y/N?" I blushed and rolled too far, subsequently falling out of the bed. I hit the floor and coughed. Mrs. Pines helped me up and pointed at the clock.  2: 45. "The boys will be home soon, sorry you were all alone today." She apologized. I smiled sheepishly, shuffling my feet. "It-it's okay, really. I'm used to it." She gestured for me to follow her down the steps and into the kitchen. "Your father leave you home alone a lot?" She pulled out bread, butter and cheese. "Yes, ma'am. If you don't mind me askin', what are you doing?" She laughed, and pulled out a pan. " I'm making grilled cheeses for Stan and Ford. Would you like to help?" I got exited. "Would I?" I pulled over a stool and got to work.

Stanford's P.O.V.

        Stanley and I sat on the school bus, waiting for our stop. We had a surprise for Y/N. I folded the paper open and closed repeatedly. Stan looked out the window, bag clutched in his fist. I rubbed my sweaty hands together. "Um, Stanley?" "Hmm?" I shrugged. "What if she doesn't like it? What if she doesn't want to?" Stan looked at me, and smirked. "What, you're afraid your girlfriend won't like your present?" I became hot and embarrassed. "It- it's from both of us, Stanley. And she's not my girlfriend." I shied away from his prying eyes. "And we already asked mom, she technically has to go anyway...." Stan sat back and huffed, "Whatever you say, Poindexter."

           The bus dropped us off at home, and my small hands were shaking. 'She won't like it, will she? I sure hope she does.'   Stanley and I ran up to the front door and he threw it open. "Y/N! We're home!" We heard noise in the kitchen.  We walked in to see Mom and Y/N finishing up some food. "Hi! We made you guys food!" She got down and hugged us both at the same time.  I blushed, and Stanley snickered at my embarrassment. I held out the paper, Y/N took it, unfolded it, and began to read it. She turned to Mom. "You- you don't have to, ma'am, really, i'll-i'll be fine." Mom smiled. "Sweetie, you need to go to school. And anyway, with me a stay-at-home mother, and Mr. Pines' income annually, our children get in free." Y/N looked down, and realized something. "But, ma'am, legally I'm not your child."

                Mom smiled. Stanley and I exchanged grins. Mom went to her purse and pulled out an envelope. She opened it and handed Y/N the document enclosed. Y/N skimmed over it and gasped. "Really, Mrs. Pines?!" Mom smiled and Stan laughed and hugged Y/N. I grinned. "Yeah! Mom talked to the school and they'll let you in, since you live with us! Isn't that great?" Y/N grinned.  

                  "Yeah! I can't believe I get to go to school!" I frowned. 'Had she never been to school before?' I asked her, hoping it wasn't true. She laughed self-consciously, not meeting my gaze. "Aha, I haven't ever been to school. My father said he didn't want me to go to private school, because i was ugly, and public school was unacceptable to him." I was astounded. I could not wait for her to experience school! But, I realized, she most likely would be bullied by Crampleter. 'I can't worry about that, she needs school!'  I thought. I put my hand on her shoulder and grinned. "You'll love it!" Stan snorted. "Yeah, if she's just as big a nerd as you!" I punched his shoulder, and he turned way, laughing. I turned to Y/N who was smiling happily. "Ford, Stan, will you tell me about school?" We nodded and led her upstairs.

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