the ash-blond stares at him for another second longer before moving his gaze way, making a soft "tch" in the process, "so fucking annoying."

"you say that, yet you've been coming to my room every night on your own terms." kirishima said, the smile still prominent on his face.

"you are fucking annoying, but you're more tolerable than the other underlings." bakugou scoffed. he reaches over towards the nightstand again for his phone, grabbing it and going back on it again. the silence between the two from before returns, causing a small pout to form on kirishima's lips and eyebrows to furrow. he was back to being quiet again. he continued to look over in bakugou's direction, waiting to see if he'll say anything else, or even spare another glance up at him. he didn't. kirishima suddenly sits up, rolls onto the opposite side of the bed and crawls up closer to bakugou. he stops moving once his face was directly behind the over-the-top otterbox phone case. he slightly raises his face higher above the case to look at bakugou's.

the ash-blond tried to ignore the hair for brains, but from feeling his gaze more close than it was before, his eyes glance slightly up. just enough to see the redhead's spiky hair and just the top half of kirishima's face, which was just his bright crimson eyes. upon noticing that he had finally caught bakugou's attention for the second time, his eyes lock with ruby irises once again and his smile returns, although bakugou could only see a small fraction of the sides of it from having the bottom half of his face being hidden.

there was that stupid look again. the one that bakugou's seen before multiple times in kirishima's eyes. it was this sort of stupid playful look, a childlike wonder almost. as if a kid was looking through a glass window into a candy shop and was marveling over the large surplus of treats inside. he knew whenever kirishima had that look in his eyes. they would always be wide as saucers, and they seemed to have this small spark go off in them. it was weird. and disgusting. and too fucking annoyingly sweet.

"the fuck are you doing?" bakugou asked.

"well since i'm being ignored again, i wanted to see what was more interesting than me on your phone." kirishima said, as he lifts his head up slightly more to try and peer down at bakugou's phone.

bakugou swiftly moves his phone away, "it's none of your fucking business, shitty ei."

"there you go with the nickname, again!" kirishima said, "that isn't fair that i can't give you a nickname and you can." he pouts lightly.

"'cause all your nicknames would be shit."

"what about katsu?"



"that's even fucking worse."


"what am i fucking animal?!" bakugou exclaimed, before raising a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh annoyedly, "just call me katsuki, got it? none of that nickname bullshit."

"why do you hate the nicknames so much?"

"tch." bakugou's eyes glance away from kirishima, as he leans his head lightly to the side, "s'not like there's a fucking good nickname to go with katsuki. you're better off just calling me by just my name."

kirishima stares at bakugou for a moment, a calm expression over his face, "alright, man. if you say so..." kirishima glances away for a moment before looking back at the ash-blond, his prominent smile returning, "you can keep calling me ei, though. i don't mind the nickname."

"were you just being passive aggressive with me, hair for brains?"

"huh?" pure confusion came across kirishima's face to bakugou's question.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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