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sick to my stomach
four in the morning, i can't sleep
in and out the city
i'm worried 'bout where you may be

feels like i've been here
stressing the things that i can see
where do you go? what do you do?
without me

01:57AM was the time engraved in the alarm clock above bakugou's bed. he was part of the students who weren't night owls as much as they were early birds, so he usually was either in bed or asleep at around eight o'clock every night. but for some reason the ash-blonde was still wide awake, red eyes staring up at his blank ceiling with a deadpan expression. even if being on the fourth floor of the dorms, hours earlier bakugou was able to hear the rowdy conversations being held by some of his peers that were the night owls along their class down in the lobby. granted, their obnoxious voices were annoying as hell, but because of his sudden insomnia problem, a part of him was slightly fine with having something to distract his mind and listen to while he lied awake.

of course, though, one of the voices just had to be that fucking deku's of all people. not only him, but half-and-half's, sparky's, and that god damn grape pervert. there were definitely more people with them as well, but katsuki didn't care enough to try and figure out who they were, or even what they were all doing. he took a wild guess that it was some sort of late night study session when he heard raccoon eyes yell at sparky and grape pervert about not listening to what deku had tried to explain to the two.

the only voice he was actually able to tolerate was shitty hair's, but bakugou had heard him come upstairs to his dorm room around a half an hour ago, so the voices downstairs were just now starting to really piss him off. but ever since being captured by the league of villains not too long ago, something seemed different between the two friends. not in a negative way, of course, but it was hard to put into words. for bakugou at least. as much as bakugou would hate to admit it, he didn't despise being around that spiky haired idiot. after all, he was the only person that deals with him and has handled him for this long.

he wouldn't exactly say that he saw shitty hair as a friend in the beginning, at first. he considered him as a good opponent— well, maybe more as a sturdy punching bag, to say the least. he's proved to be one of the only students that could handle his blows with his talent. not to mention that bakugou found the idiot extremely annoying for being so persistent on becoming one of his allies, god knows why. but he pestered so much to the point where bakugou didn't really think much of it anymore unless the spiky haired fuck said something fucking dumb.

it wasn't until being kidnapped that he realized something about kirishima. being surrounded by the league of villains and all for one was terrifying enough, even if bakugou wouldn't want to admit it, and as much as he would have tried to fight back for as long as he could, he knew he had no chance to beat all for one. not yet at least. everything in the moment seemed as if it were a blur up until bakugou heard him call his name out to him. time seemed to slow down when locking eyes with kirishima. and seeing kirishima throw out his hand to bakugou, reaching towards him, hoping he would reach out back to him, "take my hand!" something inside bakugou in that moment flipped like a switch in his brain, and his body was already moving before he could even think.

and he was already reaching his hand out right back to him.

"tch." bakugou swiftly sits up, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and lowers his head. his hands rested on his lap of his black sweatpants, left thumb subconsciously gently caressing the palm of his right hand with a solemn expression. rubbing his hands always seemed to be a bad habit of his. whether it was being nervous, upset, stressed, frustrated, in thought, he wasn't exactly sure why he did it. maybe it was his way of subconsciously soothing himself or to protect what was most important about him from anyone or any kinds of emotions. he looked up from his hands and glances back over to his alarm clock. only five minutes had gone by. bakugou looks back down at his hands that had stopped moving before letting out a sigh. he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight, it was obvious by now.

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