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how many times
must i keep it inside
i need to let go
and i swear that i've tried

but opening up
means trusting others
and that's just too much
i don't want to bother

AWOKEN by the sound of his alarm chiming off and the small rays of sunshine pouring in through the drapes over his balcony door, kirishima blinks open drowsy eyes, grudgingly reaching out to his alarm to shut it off. he's met with the sight of his boring, white ceiling. he should really put some sort of poster up there at one point. it really looked depressing. slowly pushing himself up from his mattress, he lets out a tired yawn, stretching his arms out in front of him then letting them fall to his sides. one of his hands raises back up again to rub at his eyes to get them to fully adjust. just from sitting up in his bed, however, his eyes widened after the memories from last night stirred in his mind.

kirishima looks to the left side of his bed, but wasn't greeted with the sight of his ash-blonde friend, "bakugou?" he frantically looks around his room now, beginning to realize that bakugou wasn't even in his room at all. he felt a small amount of disappointment within him after seeing that he was alone and no longer accompanied. maybe bakugou had left after kirishima passed out or something. kirishima couldn't really remember anything that happened after he started talking to bakugou about his day or about the late night study session or even the first thought that came to mind. he would've noticed his bakugou left the room though. after all, he wasn't the most quiet person in the world. kirishima heard him muttering to himself out of his door before even opening it for him. or... maybe he hadn't? maybe everything he thought had happened actually didn't and it was just some sort of weird dream?

kirishima shakes his head lightly to his last thought. there was no way that what happened the previous night was just a dream. it was too real for it to be. with that, kirishima tosses the already disoriented sheets off of him and throws his legs over the side of his bed, standing up. he glanced over to the right to where his peculiar wall clock, which the clock hands read 11:24am. most of his classmates were probably up by now. bakugou usually got up earlier than most their classmates, so maybe he had woken up early and left to go do his usual morning routines.

once getting dressed and doing his own morning room routine, kirishima headed out of his room downstairs to the common area. he threw a few waves and showed off his famous sharp-toothed smile to his classmates he had passed along the way including sato, asui, jiro, and koda, even giving ojiro a solid high five as the two passed along side one another. the rest of his classmates that were in the common room were gathered around or sitting on the couches. however, kirishima makes his way straight towards the kitchen instead of greeting them. making delicious, healthy smoothies before heading to the gym has always been apart of his usual morning routines. he was sure that his classmates had known that too from the small amount of days they've already been living together and all the times kirishima would always be seen making his usual smoothies as soon as he woke up.

his famous sharp-toothed grin was gone now, replaced with a more calm, content expression as kirishima walked over to the cabinets, pulling open the small door. one of the things students of class 1-a had done was bring in their own mugs and cups from home, which developed an unspoken agreement that you were only acquiesced to take your designated cup. taking someone else's cup would lead to never hearing the end of it. kirishima reaches up to grab his mason mug, which was the mug he usually used when he drank his smoothies.

placing it down onto the counter, he moves over to the refrigerator to fetch some fruits for his drink. grabbing the handle of the refrigerator, kirishima pulls it open, eyes immediately scanning the shelves. while grabbing the ingredients he needed, he heard two people walk into the kitchen. his eyes slightly peer to the side to get a glimpse of who had entered the room, and once recognizing the familiar faces his sharp-toothed grin returns.

pillow talk | kiribakuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें