"Yeah?" it sounded more like a question because he wasn't too sure if he wanted to admit it yet but we all cheered and that brought his mood up. "thanks guys"

"Okey, so who in the group is left: Carly, Jeff, todd and corinna right? you guys are all single?" mariah said

Jeff interrupted with a cough "They're not" he said while pointing at Corina and Todd and we all laughed. Of course he got a couple of punched from Todd and corinna screamed his name.

"wait, you guys are back together?!!" Zane said and they both laughed sort of embarrassed.

"yeah, and they are the cutest except when they give each other hand-jobs in the pool" Natalie said and they all erupted in laughter. Corinna then proceeded to hid her face in Todd's chest and we all "awed" at them they were so cute and I'm glad they were together finally.

"So, how long is it going to be before you cheat on her again" Zane had and we all ooooooohhhhed.

"He'snot like that, we are taking it slow and being honest this time" corinna reassured and Todd kissed her head gently and we all screamed.

"where do you guys think we will all be in like 5 years time?" Erin asked

"I will hopefully be in a happy relationship" carly laughed

"do you think you and Bruce think you will get back together?"

"I think so. We were so close and he just needed to find himself but I think that we will. Actually, we've sort of been texting lately and he seems much happier"

"awe I hope it works out for you two" Nat said

"I think in 5 years time, only half of the group will be left out here in LA." Matt said

"yeah, Heath and Mariah will be raising a family somewhere, I think Eirin and Tj will still be in LA but raising a family too, Matt and his girlfriends will be somewhere else, Scott and Kristen might be out of LA with a family of their own and maybe even Carly. I think Dave and Nat will still be there because they are the young ones and still have time before a family and stuff" Jason said

"that is absolutely mad. Like in 5 years time this won't be a group like hanging out everyday anymore" I said

"that's so sad" Zane said


Nat's POV:

A little later we went back in the house to have lunch and then David and me went it to our room to work. We were both on the bed, one of my legs was on top of one of his. We were each on our laptops and I could hear the continuous replay of his video as he edited it. Meanwhile I was replying to emails because I was starting to get behind. We stayed there for an hour and a half longer until I got tired of looking at the screen and put my laptop aside. I then tuned in the bed so I was facing him and looked at him edit.

"what are you looking at?" he asked

"I'm bored"

"come here" he said putting his laptop on the side and turning to cuddle me.

"did you hear them talk about how they don't think that we aren't going to get married soon"

"yeah, it's going to be soo good. Hey, have you talked about it with anyone?"

"well, yeah, Corinna but because she's the one who suggested it to me that we get married"

"oh okey" he said surprised

"yeah like she made me realise that we had pretty much been together for 10 years and that I've waited enough to marry you" I said and he kissed me

"here, lets look at how we should do it. I think we have to do it in court because we can't go to vegas and them not be suspicious for the next couple of months while I get the green card"

"yeah, you're right. okey so what's the first step?'

"well, I need a lawyer for the green card thing and I think that will help us, okey let me find one" We were looking for the different steps and found out that it takes around 3 months for him to get the green card after we are married which was a little longer than expected but that meant that we would have to keep it a secret for a little longer.

"where do you want to go on a trip then?" I asked him

"well, I sort of want to go to Slovakia to see it once again but I also want to go somewhere cool with you like japan or Bali or even Italy"

"well, How about somewhere in Europe and we go to Slovakia for a couple of days and then Italy or Spain because it's not too far away"

"that would be great actually. lets look for a date and have it settled by the time we go back to LA"

"Okey, but film a little clip and hide it in your computer so no one sees" I said and he agreed.

A little later, we went back out to watch the sunset and take a few pictures for his birthday. I posted a few of them on my instagram and he posted the ones where we looked crazy on his. That night we were playing games, watching movies and not getting too drunk or crazy.

The next morning we woke up fairly early to get ready for the water park. We were all psyched and ready to have fun. David took his camera and a go pro to be able to go underwater. We all packed in to the minibus once again and I sat next to corinna so she could fill me in and I could tell her about mine and David's plans.

"so, how's the planning going?" she asked

"well, we got a date to go to court and we found a lawyer but it'll take about 3 more months after that"

"wow, that's so long"

"yeah, how about you and todd, how's that going?"

"well, good and I think it was a good thing that everyone found out because now he feels the pressure not to look like a douche anyone and actually, he's much more affectionate and you can tell he's ready for an actual relationship."

"oh, I'm so glad for you two, What happened to Jeff, did you guys leave him alone?"

"Well, Ilya's sharing with him now so no, he's not alone"

"oh okey" as soon as we finished the conversation, we pulled up to the park. I had already bought the tickets in advance so we just went in. We all started little slow on the easier ones and eventually proceeded to go to the crazier ones and races. After lunch, the girls decided to just lounge around and lay in th sun while boys kept going. We had a nice chat all of the girls and it was fun to just see what we were up to.

Eventually we all went back to the villa and got ready for Scott's proposal to Kristen. All I said was for everyone to dress nice. I had organised them a private dinner out on the beach together and then they would come back and we would all celebrate. We were all a little anxious but they came back, happier than ever, Kristen showing off her ring and we all partied on last night before we headed back tomorrow.

The next day was getting over hangovers, packing and just laying around. It had been a wonderful week but it was time to head back to reality. 

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