Code: Doctor

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(Note:  This is a LONG chapter- 2908 words)

When (Y/n) opened her eyes, her head was pounding again.  She was in a strange room and she was being restrained in the air somehow.  She looked around the room she was in and saw others being restrained in the air alongside her.  Everyone was held up by orange-brown wooden puppet arms.  The only difference between her and the others was that she seemed to be hanging upside down, and it was making her head hurt.

A muffled voice broke through her haze.  "Kenji!  And Naomi!  Hey, wake up up you two!"  

"(Y/n), please wake up!  We need to get out of here!"

(Y/n) quickly turned her head towards the voice and saw that Junichirou was also in the strange room.

"So, you were taken too!  Dazai said you would be here, and that you could think of a way to escape!"

(Y/n) nodded before saying, "I guess, but I don't really remember much after I dropped some cookies..."

The Tanizaki brother yelled to her and said, "I don't know what happened either, but you're bleeding from your head!  Listen, we're trapped in an ability by a Guild member.  Atsushi is still fighting outside of that door, but he could be captured any second now!  From what we've heard, we are trapped in here and the only way out is with a key that is in the other room."

(Y/n) nodded her head as she remembered that strange girl with the red hair and the braces tapping her shoulder, and then suddenly she was transported into that strange room with the giant toys.  "Oh yeah, the puppet master girl...  I remember now.  She said if I could unlock the door, I could free everyone in here.  I was so close too, then she cheated."

The orange-haired boy sent her a surprised look before saying, "You almost did it!?  How?  W-what exactly is your ability?"

"I'm not fast, I just know how to protect myself.  I only remember a few bits and pieces, but I'm sure I used some defensive codes against that puppet.  Now, give me a second to think.  My head is pounding."

She was still missing some of her memories, and her pounding head wasn't making remembering them any easier.  She did however remember a few bits of her game with the young guild member.

She had been outside, squatting to pick up the cookies that had fallen after she bumped into the strange group.  Then, the young girl with red braided pigtails came back to her and she had suddenly found herself in a stange room.  

It looked like a child's playroom, only the walls had a strange clouded wallpaper lining them.

The young girl was likely an ability user, and (Y/n) had just fallen victim to her gift.  

With the cookies no where in sight, (Y/n) stood from her crouched position before sticking her hands in the pockets of her coat and facing the girl.

The girl had a crazed smile on her face as she said, "I'm on a misson to play with allll of you Agency members!  Lord Francis says I can do whatever I want with whoever I take here, and that blonde hick from earlier was so much fun!  Tell me miss, will you play a game of tag with me?"

Her hazy memories went blank for a bit, but then skipped to another scene. 

She was standing in the middle of the room with a code enabled, a code that she hadn't used since the incident at the ports.

Code: ExecuteWhere stories live. Discover now