Code: Chaos

709 33 5

Dazai POV:

By the time anyone had arrived at the location of the two teenagers, the mystery man had already caught up with them and had taken Atsushi.  Kyoka was arrested by authorities after an anonymous tip about her being a wanted murderer was released to the police-- a tip that Y/n was unable to trace as of yet.

Y/n had been working endlessly for the last hour trying to find Atushi, but I could tell she was getting nowhere.  Unfortunately, the Guild was just that good at hiding their trail, their strategies had a rumor for being ruthless and accurate, I'd like to meet them someday and see what they're like.

Somehow, the abductors had managed to disappear into thin air, and there were no cameras, audio, or witnesses that could help her find him.  We were finally on our way to her apartment in the Heights after being released from the hospital, and I was getting upset seeing her working so hard, but I knew this was necessary to keep her safe.  She had a tendency to become reckless when either Atushi or Kyoka was involved-- add both of them into this equation and she would work herself thin to find them.

A thought passed through my mind that if anyone ever made her this upset again, I would personally burn their lively hood to the ground along with everything they held dear, and that's what I was going to do to the Guild in two days when this plan began to come to a close.  But first, she needed to rest, and I needed to take charge for a while. 

She sat beside me in the back of a taxi, and she was so focused on her database she didn't even see my arm reach over and rest along her shoulders.  In an instant, her database disappeared into thin air as my ability canceled hers out.

She turned to look at me with anger in her tired eyes but regardless of her obvious anger I pulled her head to my shoulder.  "You've been working too hard.  Please, rest until we get home."

I could feel her smile against my shoulder as I began to gently brush my fingers through her hair. She didn't like it when I forced her to stop working, but I think deep down she knows it's time to stop and to give it over to someone else.  I also don't think she could summon her database even if she tried.  She had been working at full capacity for the last few hours after all.  I will admit though, her stamina had increased since we first met.  She was able to hold out at max capacity for only 15 minutes when we met, now she can crank it out for almost 120 minutes-- she's truly amazing.

The sun was beginning its slow fall in the sky, signaling the end of the lunch hour and the beginning of the afternoon.  Y/n had snuggled into my shoulder a bit more before she asked, "Osamu, you already know what's going to happen and you're just sitting back to watch it happen, aren't you?"

I could help but feel a tug in my heart when she asked that. Of course, I already knew this would all happen, and I knew that she knew that.  However, in order for it all to work out she had to be left in the dark, and she needed to be asleep until I came home tonight with her tiger boy.

I knew that our little tiger would be able to escape, and I knew where he would escape to.  I knew their plan the whole time was to get Q and turn the city into chaos.  I knew that Y/n would run herself thin trying to find Atsushi—  I mean, she was so tired already that she was about to fall asleep on my shoulder as we headed to her apartment.  But I also knew I needed her to be asleep during these next few hours because her apartment would be far enough from the chaos that was attempting to drag out the elusive coder.  I had about two hours to get her home and then get downtown where Atsushi would land when he escaped the fabled flying fortress of the Guild.

I figured out that this was one of many routes that could happen the day they tried to take the ladies and I saw Q on the train.  It became clear that the only route the Guild knew how to take was to use brute force to get what they wanted, and the Port Mafia responded the same way.  Did Mori even know that they had Q?  Did he have any idea where this was heading-- the chaos that was about to be unleashed onto the city because he let that beast Q out of his cell?!

Who am I kidding, of course he did, he's a rotten bastard who rose to power using that cunning side of him.

But I knew something no one else knew: they wouldn't stop with Atsushi.  They wanted Y/n and Atsushi.  They were here to find the Coder and the Tiger— but they only had half of their bounty so far.  The destruction of the city was to drag out the coder, but if the coder was passed out in bed from exhaustion when the city began was being controlled by Q, they wouldn't appear to save people and the coder would be assumed dead or gone.

Whatever the Guild was looking for in Yokohama required both of them, and I would never let the Guild have Y/n or Atsugi.  What can I say, I've come to enjoy their company. 

I already had plans to get Kyoka back too, but I would need Ranpo to plan an entrance exam for the girl before I could carry out that plan.  His exams were the best, and he could give me the most precise information.  Then, when tiger boy, rabbit girl, Y/n, and I were all in the apartment eating tea on rice, she would be happy again.

As I felt her breathing slow down, I brought my lips to her forehead and gave her a soft kiss before finally answering her question. 

"I know everything that's going to happen, so just trust the process.  We'll all be together again soon, okay?  Just sleep and let me take command for now."

She mumbled something to my chest, but I didn't understand it.  I couldn't help the chuckle that broke from my chest as I asked, "I can't understand you when you mumble."

She turned her head to look into my eyes, her tired and glossy (eye color) orbs sparkling in the sunlight.  Those captivating eyes always took my breath away, even now when she had dark bags and a red rim around the whites of her eyes-- they were mesmerizing.  Her lips pursed as she whispered out, "Just make sure no one is hurt this time, okay?"

I couldn't help myself.  When she looked at me like that it stirred me up.  I leaned down and pressed my forehead against her own as I said, "Anything for you, belladonna."

My lips connected to her own before she leaned her head back against me.  After a few minutes, we arrived at the apartment.  I paid the driver for the taxi in cash — can't leave a trail after Y/n has been hidden for so long— and took I took my lady into my arms before taking her up to the apartment.

Once there, I tucked her into her futon, all while the other two ladies watched with literal hearts bursting from their eyes.  They need to find a boyfriend— well, I guess Naomi had her brother... and Haruno had her cat... that smart cat.

I turned to look at them before I said, "Keep her here, no matter what you have to do, keep her in this apartment.  You'll be safe here, but as soon as she steps outside that door you'll all be in danger.  She needs to stay here until I get back, at that point she'll be safe but they're looking for her now that they have our little tiger.  If she wakes up, make a (favorite drink) and mix in some of this nighttime allergy medicine.  She will be asleep again for a few more hours, but I'll be back with the boy before midnight.  When Atsushi is here, tell him he needs to keep her here at all costs until I get back."

The two ladies sobered up at my somewhat serious tone, they knew I was serious about what I said.  Y/n was a target.  They also had a feeling something big was about to go down in the currently calm city and if Y/n was awake for it she would try to intervene.

Haruno took a step forward as she said, "We will keep her here, just promise you'll get Atsushi and Kyoka back for her!  We hate seeing her like this, but she's been so stressed since the Guild showed up..."

I smiled and said, "Give me three days, we'll be back in the office by then, and I'll be resting my head in her lap while Kunikida does my paperwork."

end chapter

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