Chapter 2-Cant get you out of my mind

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Offender's POV

Madi.......Madi.......Madi. God, that name just sets me off. I'm gonna have that girl tonight. And, if she's lucky, I'll probably keep her around for a few weeks. I want to feel her skin and her hair in my hands. But I know Slender wouldn't let me. Hell, no one will let me. Even though she's only been here a few hours, everyone has surrounded her and acted as if they were her big brothers. Big brothers with a sister complex that is. They watch her like hawks. And it kinda freaks me out. Me! I have to find a way to get her alone without the others knowing. But how?


Third Person POV

After much arguing, 20 games of Rock Paper Scissors, and about 13 times of drawing sticks, it was (begrudgingly) decided that Eyeless Jack would show Madi to her room. However, since Jeff utterly refused to leave her side, he went along too, much to Jack's disappointment. So there they were, walking down one of the many long hallways to her new room. "Just a few more hallways! Then a flight of stairs..........Then a few more hallways! Then another flight of stairs..........Then a few mo-"

"Shut the hell up! Jesus Christ you're annoying." EJ said glaring at him out of the corner of his eye. "Well that's not very nice." Madi said before looking up at him with her big doe eyes. "Yeah Jack, that isn't very nice." Jeff said jutting out his bottom lip. "What isn't very nice? I haven't done anything wrong.....yet." Said a dark, sinister voice with a hint of playfulness. The three stop walking and look around them. "Who's that? I wanna meet him!" Madi said excitedly. The two boys each take one of her hands and hurry her along towards the end of the hallway.

"Shit EJ you took us by HIS room?!" Jeff said with wide eyes. "I didn't mean too! You distracted me with your annoying vibes." Madi looked between them both confused. "Who are you guys talking about?" She asked. "Probably the creepiest person, or thing, or entity I know." EJ said. "He really freaks me out!" Jeff says shakily. "Aw, do I really?" Said a voice right in Jeff's ear. Jeff leaps in the air and let's out a girlish shriek causing EJ to jump into the wall. The voice starts to chuckle which turns into a giggle, which turns into a full blown uncontrollable laugh. Madi turns to see a man with pale skin, long black hair, and a stripped cone where his nose should be. She grins and holds out her hand. "Hi there!" She says grinning.

The man stops laughing and peers down at her, his eyes slowly widening. "You have a blue Jolly Rancher in a hidden pocket in your left sleeve." He said staring at that spot. She looks down at it and grins, fishing it out. "Yeah, I do! Do ya want it?" She asks holding it out to him. His fingers twitch and his tongue starts to lull out of his mouth as he nods slowly. She grins and unwraps it before standing on her tip-toes and pressing it to his black lips. "Open wide!" She says tilting her head. The man's eyes widen even more and a slight blush tinges his cheeks before he eats the candy from her fingers. She giggles as he does this, meanwhile, the other two are looking on shocked and a little pissed off. Once he was done eating the candy, the man blinks and grins down at the girl.

"Thank you kindly. And, not that I don't promote taking candy from strangers but, who might you be?" Madi, once again, holds out her hand. "I'm Madi! I'm moving in today!" The man grins and takes her hand, shaking it. "I'm Laughing Jack, LJ for short." Madi looks between him and EJ then giggles. "You both have the same name!" EJ sneers in disgust. "That's why I won't let anyone call me anything with Ja-...that name in it." He says cringing. Madi then turns to Jeff. "And you both look alike! Minus the noses that is." Jeff looks at her horrified. "I do not look like that!" LJ glares at him. "And I don't look like a butchered albino pig." Madi tilts her head and blinks. "But I don't think either of you looks bad. You both are very handsome!" She said smiling.

They both look over at her then quickly turn away, the back of their hands covering the lower half of their faces. EJ smirks and nudges Jeff. "Are you blushing?" He asked teasingly. "NO!" Jeff shouted before shaking his head and grabbing Madi's hand, tugging her down the hallway. "Come on Madi, we need to get you to your room." Madi grins and nods. "Ok!" She then turns and waves. "Bye LJ! I hope I see you again!" EJ catches up to them as LJ continues to hide his growing blush. "Interesting girl." He whispered to himself before smiling and entering his room.

Once they got to Madi's room, which was at the top of the house, the boys made sure she was ok before leaving her alone. Ok, Jeff tried to camp out outside of her room, but EJ quickly dragged him away. Madi smiled at her room and flopped down on her bed, immediately feeling exhaustion. She yawns and stretches before falling into a deep sleep.


Offender's POV

I decided to consult my partner. Whenever I had trouble getting a girl alone, which was rarely, I went to him. He might just be creepier than me. I quickly grab a small bag (for bribery) and climb up a few flights of stairs until I come to a room that seems shrouded in a black aura. I shutter before I enter the room to see him sitting on his bed staring at the wall. "Jack? I need your help." I said before tossing the bag on his bed. He slowly turns to me with a dreamy smile on his face. "Yes?" He asked sweetly causing me to freeze.

"Dude, are you like gonna try to kill me or something?" He just shakes his head and turns to the bag. "Does this have blue Jolly Ranchers in it?" He asks. "" I say confused. He looks at it in disgust and pushes it off his bed. "Then I have no use for it." I look at him in shock. "Since when have you been so picky with candy?" He smiles gently. "Since her." I blink. "Her?" He nods. "Yes her! I don't know what it is, but ever since I met her, I couldn't get her out of my mind!" I sigh. "I know how you feel. So will you help me now?"

LJ looks up at me and sighs. "What is it this time?" I start to pace. "So I found new prey, she's absolutely perfect! She seems very gullible, and very childlike so I can get her easily." He blinks. "Then what's the problem?" I stop. "There is always at least two guys by her side. How do I get her alone?" He jumps up off his bed. "Simple. She has to be alone in her room, right? So just secretly go to see her and bring her back to your room." I nod. "Great idea, I do it now!" I say before starting out the door. "Oh and Jack? Keep this a secret between us." Jack grins maniacally and puts a finger to his lips. "My lips are sealed."


Hey guys! Hope you liked the second chapter of Blue Rose! What do you think of the characters so far? Please vote and comment if you enjoy and until next time!

- MadiHatter

Blue Rose (A Offender-Man x Own Creepypasta Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum