Elik is so absolutely amazing. He accepts all the broken parts of my life and our new family. He never complains and honestly relishes in being a kind soul. I love him immensely for all that he is. He is truly a blessing that I get the opportunity to call mine.

Tonite we are finally going to my restaurant. We are only going as patrons. I honestly just want to peek inside of the establishment. I have heard nothing but good reviews. I won't make a scene because that's not what it is about. I trust the staff that has carried the company for the last decade that my parents hired.

I learned a few weeks ago that my parents were partners at their companies. They did not merely work for their firms they actually owned them. I feel naive for the surroundings I grew up in. I was oblivious. Not that it changes a single thing. I love my parents and I appreciate their choice to make me grow up in modesty. I have no doubt that carried me thru this ordeal with more grace than necessary.

Every day is a new beginning and I am thankful for all I have been given. I see my parents in everything. Most importantly it is their character and convictions that shine most brightly. I am beyond gifted in this life. Parents like mine are one in a million. I will never take their ingrained lessons for granted.

"Hey baby." I kiss Elik's lips as he walks thru the front door.

"How was school?" Elik requests once he separates from our kiss.

"Hard and satisfying." I state with certainty.

"Sounds fun." Elik winks and I blush at the gutter his mind has walked into.

"If it wasn't for the gutter, our minds would be homeless." I joke.

"What time is dinner?" Elik asks.

"7 pm." I confirm.

"How was work?" I question the love of my life.

"I endured it. I missed you baby." Elik whispers as his lips find the sensitive skin below my ear.

I hum in approval at the physical affection.

"Save that for later." I pant out.

"Seems like your body has other plans." Elik smirks as he glances to the tent I have pitched in my joggers.

"A quickie?" I offer.

"Shower. Now." Elik snaps his finger towards the bedroom door.

I run up the steps like an Olympian.

We don't get the bedroom door closed good before clothes go flying into every direction.

I turn on the hot water of the shower and relish in the kisses being planted on my back and shoulders.

We step into the shower and Elik has his fingers working lube into me quickly. My body is already excited for the promises his hands are making.

Elik presses me against the back wall, he props my leg up on the shower seat.

His hands guide my hips onto his hardened shaft and I moan as his cap pushes into my entrance.

"Fucking home." Elik growls while he marks my body in love bites. His shaft seats inside of me and I circle my hips into his lap.

"So warm." Elik purrs.

His slow pumps are torturous. His thick member filling every inch of me and then emptying them in succession.

Elik grips my hip hard, his nails biting into my flesh and turning me on stupidly. His hand wraps around my throat and I struggle not to cum.

"Don't hold back." Elik barks as his piston barrels into me slowly and hard as fuck. Every pull out is sensual and each push back in is hard and penetrating.

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