Pissed with a Capital P Part Two (Michael & Rigby)

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Luke walked into their apartment, finding Michael sulking on the couch. Calum had called him earlier, giving him a summary of the night before. He'd asked Luke to go and check to make sure they were still alive. He stood there for a second then decided to check Rigby's room. Just in case.

She was shoving things into a bag when Luke entered. She looked up, sighed, and turned to pull more clothes out of the drawer. "Don't even try to stop me."

"You are fourteen, this is being way too dramatic." It had blurted out before Luke could even form a complete thought. 

"No this is being done with all of this and ready to get away." Rigby gestured towards her piggy bank. "I've saved up enough."

"Enough for what? A burger?" Luke walked over, placing his hands on her shoulders to stop her. "You need to talk to you dad before you even think about doing something this crazy." Before she could protest, Luke spun her around to the door and guided her towards the living room. "Michael, talk to your daughter. She's planning on running away."

Michael's head snapped up and he looked at her in shock. "What?"

RIgby huffed, crossing her arms. She refused to look at Michael, even when he stood up and stepped right in front of her. 

"Oh, come on, you can't be that mad." He tilted his head to the side, trying to look her in the eyes. "I'm sorry I overreacted. Please don't leave."

"You didn't just overreact." Rigby snapped, smacking his hand away when he tried to poke her cheek. "You blew up on me." She looked up at him. "You don't trust me, and I'm pretty sure I'm old enough for you to at least do that."

"It's hard to trust you when you go behind my back like that." Michael said defensively. 

"I wouldn't have to if you let me be a teenager for once." Even Luke rolled his eyes at that. 

"You're barely a teenager and nowhere near capable of handling half the things you think teenagers get into." Michael shook his head. He sighed. "But fine, if you want me to trust you, I will. For now on, you can hang out with your friends and go wherever you want. As long as I know where you are and you're home before curfew." He crossed his arms. "Do anything reckless or life-threatening and it's back to the way it's been. Break any rules and I'll personally lock you in your room and slide trays of food underneath your door until you're eighteen. Got it?"

"Got it." Rigby nodded. "And I'm sorry for what I said--"

Michael shook his head. "I'm being nice right now, don't bring it up." He ruffled her hair, pulling her into a hug. "I just want you to know I'm doing this because I want you to be safe, but I'm willing to compromise a little bit."

"I love you."

"Yeah, I love you too, Rig."

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