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Time moved sluggishly in the little cove, each day lasting a year and each night lasting a lifetime

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Time moved sluggishly in the little cove, each day lasting a year and each night lasting a lifetime. I moved back into my room, and when the nightmares came, I was the one who wiped my eyes. No one mentioned the move, the same way they didn't mention the smashed lamp in Lex's office, or the ever-darkening bags under my eyes. I kept a careful distance from everyone, spending most days reading in the sun. There was a commotion on the second day, precedeed by a phone call. It ended with all four men arguing loudly on the main deck. I stayed on the bow of the boat that day, hidden from sight.

On the fifth night, I woke to a hand on my shoulder. I startled backwards, nearly falling off the bed. Carlisle caught my forearm, pulling me steady.

"Sh," he said, a finger to his lips. "Are you alright?"

"What's wrong?" I whispered. Under Carlisle's hand, my arm was warm and sticky where I'd reopened old cuts.

"Lex is gone," Carlisle said. He paused, and added, "We heard the speedboat leaving a few minutes ago."

I sat up, wide awake. "What time is it?"

"Almost six," Carlisle let go of me. I flinched, and a furrow appeared between Carlisle's brows. He looked down at his hand, and audibly gasped.

"It's worse than it looks," I said, pushing away the covers. "Where did he go?"

"Your arm," Carlisle hesitated. "You're still bleeding."

"It's worse than it looks," I repeated, flipping the bathroom light on. Avoiding my reflection, I carefully rinsed my damaged skin. The repetitive motion helped calm my racing heart. Lex was gone. Worst case scenarios ran rampant through my head; Lex with another girl, Lex climbing a plane home, Lex just...gone.

Carlisle followed me, and handed me a thick white sweater as I finished drying my arm. It was soft and warm, and far, far too big for me..

"What am I meant to be doing?" I asked, pushing the hood away from my face. "Am I coming with you to look for him?"

"Do you want to?" Carlisle raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," I said, without hesitation. I couldn't sit and wait, doing nothing. "Did he say anything to you before he left?"

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