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Water closed over my head, stunningly cold. Currents eddied around my toes, spinning from the bottom of the ocean miles below. When I broke the surface, the sun warmed my wet head. The day had grown hot as the hours ticked by. Even the coolness of the air conditioning hadn't been enough to chase the heat away, so Carlisle and Lex lowered a ladder into the water, turning the sea into my own little swimming pool.

The water was miraculously calm, and so clear I could see fish darting below me. I stayed close to the boat, afraid of an undercurrent pulling me away. My arms tired quickly, and I spent more time clinging to ladder than anything, but it was a relief to be in the water. Every so often, strains of music would come down from the deck, or I would hear one of the guards call to each other. If I tipped my head back enough, I could make out Lex's form on one of the chair, sprawled out.

It was difficult to believe that this time a year ago, my family had still been whole. I would have been enjoying the last few weeks of the summer, trying to eke out as much sunshine as I could, taking day trips to the beach with Nova or my parents. I smiled at the memory of my father desperately trying and failing to avoid sunburn, or my mother's cheap gas station sunglasses that had somehow lasted for years. So much had changed, but here I was again, swimming in the sun-flooded sea.

Maybe nothing had really changed, after all.

"Ruth!" Lex's voice came from above. He was waving at me, gesturing me towards him.

I paddled to the ladder, and climbed  carefully, my hands slipping on the rungs. Lex looked up as I stepped, dripping, onto the deck.  A black phone was pressed to his ear.

"It's Benji." He said, and held the phone out towards me. I ran, almost falling over my own feet, to take the phone from him. "Careful." Lex reached out to steady me, and put the phone in my hand.

"Benji!" I said.

"Hey, sweet girl." Benji's voice was tinny. "I can't talk long, but I wanted to check on you."

"I'm..." I looked up at Lex. "I'm doing great. Don't worry about me."

"Remember that you have an out. I'm always here in you need me." Benji said. "One more thing, darling. There's a girl named Nova nosing around my office asking about you. Do you know her?"

I froze. "Yeah. What did you tell her?"

"Nothing, yet. I can tell her you're safe, if you want."

"Is that a good idea?"

"The less people who know what's going on, the safer you'll be. It's up to you, though. If you think she's trustworthy..." Benji trailed off, a sudden burst of static obscuring his voice.

I looked at Lex. He was staring into the distance with a hundred yard stare, one finger tapping the rim of his glass.

"No." I said. "Don't say anything."

"If you're sure."

"I'm sure. Thanks, Benji." I held the phone back out to Lex, who took it, and turned away.

It was almost unbearably hot on the deck, even in a swimsuit. The shade wasn't much better. Lex's laptop sat humming on a table, next to a sweating glass of some dark alcohol. I took a sip, wrinkling my nose at the burning taste.

"No drinking if you're swimming." Lex said from behind me, and took the glass from my hand. "That's the rule."

I folded my arms. Lex tweaked the low back of my bathing suit. Even that slight touch sent my vision blurring. "What did Benji want?" I asked, trying to pull my thoughts back into focus.

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