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When I came out of my sleep, I was still on Lex's lap

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When I came out of my sleep, I was still on Lex's lap. The sun had set, and the deck was illuminated by a few low-burning candles and light pouring from the open door. Carlisle was slouched in a chair across the table, half a cigarette hanging from his mouth.

I blinked sleepily, and wiped a hand across my eyes. Lex looked down at me, and smiled. The dark smell of liquor and smoke washed over me. It was familiar, comforting.

"You're awake." Lex said.

"How long was I sleeping for?" I looked around. The boat was quiet, most of the lights off.

"About an hour." Lex dropped the butt of a hand rolled cigarette into a glass dish on the table. His long fingers made the movement look elegant, practiced.

"You should have woken me." I yawned, leaning backwards against his shoulder.

"You needed the sleep." Lex said, brushing my hair from my shoulder, and pressing a kiss to the bare skin. Carlisle watched the whole exchange with a bemused glint in his eyes, lazily tapping ash into the dish. He winked when he caught me looking at him. I should have been embarrassed, but I was too worn out to care.

"She looks flushed." Carlisle said, leaning forwards in his chair.

Lex pressed a hand to my forehead, and to my neck. "She is warm." He said. "How do you feel? Do you feel sick?" He asked me. A line had appeared between his brows.

"I feel fine, just sleepy." I stifled another yawn.

Lex exchanged a look with Carlisle. Carlisle stood, and he too felt my brow. His palm was calloused, the skin rough from years of work. The thick gold band on his middle finger made me shiver.

"I'll get Sokol." Carlisle said.

"I'll get him. You bring her to my room."

Carlisle held out a hand to my. I stumbled as I stood, limbs stiff from being in one position for so long. Without flinching, Carlisle swept me up. I caught the jealous glint in Lex's eyes seconds before we turned away.
"He's so in love with you." Carlisle murmured, as we crossed into the dim hallway. "It's almost tangible, like you can feel it in the air whenever the two of you are together."

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