Prom Night

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3rd person pov.

Mike and Will are hanging out together at the Wheelers' house. Mike told Will that he has a surprise for him later at night. "Mike come on! Tell me!" Will said.

It was like the tenth time he asked since the morning, and since it was spirit week, they got out of school early. Mike had his hands on Will's hips, looking down at him since Will was a bit shorter than him. "I'm not telling you until tonight." Mike said in Will's left ear and then planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Mikee!" Will groaned, he was very annoyed by him not saying a thing about 'later at night'. Mike layer on his bed and closed his eyes.

He indicated Will to lay down next to him. "Oh, come on." Will rolled his eyes as he groaned once again. "Come on babe, just wait a couple more hours to know..." Mike said, he sat up and looked at Will deep in the eyes with a small grin on his face.

"Fine..." Will sang softly. He snuggled closer to Mike, not an inch between them. Mike played with Will's hair softly. Will was enjoying it and he was almost asleep. Will had a hand in Mike's chest, and the other one has holding his head. Mike's touch started to fade away slowly as he noticed Will deeply asleep in his


Will slowly woke up, sitting on the edge of the bed. He rubbed his eyes slowly and looked behind him.

Mike was deeply asleep. He looked so calm, yet so dreamy. According to Will, he looked like an angel that had fallen from heaven. Will crawled closer to Mike and shook him gently.

"Mike," Will said with a soft voice. Mike slowly woke up, and as soon as he saw Will, a small smile was drawn in his face. "Hm?" Mike hummed with a raspy voice. "I have to go get ready for prom tonight." Will said in a whisper.

Mike groaned. "Don't go." He said as he held Will's hand tightly.

"Come on, babe, it'll only be a while, then you can make me the huge favor to pick me up in your car!" Will said jokingly.

"Haha, very funny."

Mike said as he covered his face with is hands. Will took Mike's hands and placed them in his. He then gave Mike a small kiss. But it deepened in the matter of seconds. Mike sat up and placed in hands on Will's cheeks. Will's hands were on Mike's thighs. The kiss broke as soon as they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mike said. Nancy came in with a bag if clothes. "Will, your mom brought this for you." She said and placed the bag on Mike's desk, that was nearby the door. "Thanks, Nance." Will said with a warm smile. Nancy closed the door behind her and Mike looked at Will with a bright smile. "See, now you don't have to go!" He said, he took Will by the hips once again and pulled him closer to him.

"Just one more kiss." Mike said sweetly. Will rolled his eyes and giggled. "Fine." And with that he leaned in closer to Mike. Their lips connected as they kissed one more time.

They pulled away and smiled to each other. "You taste like strawberry." Mike said between a soft laugh.

Will turned red at Mike's response. "Aw, you're blushing!" Mike said pointing and Will's face. Will felt like his whole body was burning. "Shut up Mike." He said as he covered his face with his hands. "You actually taste like strawberry though, did you start using that sweet chap stick again? The one I love?" Mike asked as he took Will's hands away his face. "Yeah.." Will looked down and smiled.


Mike parked his car in the school's parking lot. Him and Will got out of the car and started walking. Mike wrapped his arm around Will's neck as he pulled him closer. Will chuckled as they made their way to the gym. They walked in to see tons of people dancing and talking.

"Let's go find the rest." Will said. They found them sitting around a table talking and laughing. "Hey guys!" Max called out to them. They walked near the table.

"Hey, guys! Where's Eleven?" Mike asked.

"Hey, I'm your boyfriend right here!" Will said with a frown in his face. "Relax, I don't like her." Mike said with a smile as he pulled Will closer. "You used to..." Will whispered.

"Anyways, what's up?" Mike asked. "Nothing really, El said she wasn't gonna come. Hopper didn't let her come." Max said. "How come I'm here and she's not?" Will asked. Will and El were step-siblings. "I guess Hopper didn't want her, and only her to come." Max said.

After a couple of hours later. Everyone was dancing. "Attention students! It's time for the toasts!" The principal said. Everyone sat down on their table. "First one is..." The principal let everyone in the list say their own toast. It all went good, some laughed, some even cried.

"Last one to come up is... Mike Wheeler." The whole group was in shock by what the principal had said. Especially Will. Mike got up to the stage and took the microphone. After all these years, people found out that Mike wasn't that bad and they even were his friends.

"Well, as everyone knows, I have my party. And they're absolutely my whole life. I love them a lot." People clapped and the whole party was in tears. Even Suzie, who had known them for just a couple of years. "But there's one person there that... Well you guys have no idea!" Mike said laughing. The party laughed with him.

"He's Will, my best friend, "Zombie Boy", Will the Wise." Mike said, he was looking deep into Will's eyes.

"And something most of you don't know is that... Will Byers, is my boyfriend." Everyone gasped at Mike's words. But they applauded, Will was in tears at the support and love he got from people he least expected to understand. Mike waved at Will for him to get up the stage. All the party pushed Will up to it. Everyone cheered and applauded to the little shy boy.

"Will, I've loved you for the longest of time. I don't regret asking you to be my friend back in kindergarten, it was the best decision of my life." Mike said as his eyes started filling with tears. "So, Will..." Mike said kneeling down, Will covered his mouth as he took out a small gasp.

"Will you marry me?"

Mike said as he pulled a wine red box out of his pocket. He opened it and there it was, a golden ring with small diamonds in top. Will started crying and everyone started applauding.

"Yes, yes I do!" Will said with a smile. Mike got up and hugged the little boy, then he placed the ring on Will's finger.

"I love you, Will" Mike whispered to the boy in front of him.

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